Chapter 21: Leads

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Riya wakes up bright and early to get everything ready for her brother's sangeet and mehndi. They're having the sangeet and sangeet together today before having their haldi seperate tomorrow and then finally getting married. Riya has a lot to get ready before the rituals start. She's quick to shower and change into her mehndi outfit. She sits in front of the mirror, clad in a lilac anarkali.

The delicate lace curtains sway gently in the breeze that rushes through her open windows. Her room is consumed with the soft glow of her early morning sunlight filtering through the sheer fabric. Dressed in a flowing lilac anarkali suit adorned with intricate embroidery, she radiates elegance and charm.

With practiced hands, Riya carefully applies a hint of blush to her cheeks, accentuating her natural beauty. Her dark, cascading curls frame her face, adding a touch of allure to her appearance. The gentle hum of her favorite old Hindi melodies fills the room, adding to the tranquil ambiance as she gets ready for today's festivities.

In the mirror's reflection, Riya's eyes sparkle with anticipation, mirroring her excitement for the gathering ahead. Her two favourite people are about to get married. With a final touch of shimmering lip gloss, she smiles at her reflection, her confidence shining through. Ready to dazzle, Riya rises from her seat, her lilac ensemble flowing around her as she prepares to get the bride ready for the festivities of the wedding.

Her hair flows in the light breeze as she skips down the stairs, the white roses in her hair glows with pride of being adorned in the beautiful girl's hair. She suddenly feels a gentle collision, causing her to stumble slightly. Before she can regain her balance, strong arms wrap around her, steadying her effortlessly. Looking up, she meets the gaze of Xavier, his eyes widening in surprise as he takes in her stunning appearance in the lilac anarkali suit.

"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice soft with concern, his eyes unable to tear away from Riya's mesmerizing beauty. It feels as though she's an angel fallen from heaven in his arms. Riya blushes slightly at the unexpected encounter, feeling a flutter in her heart at the intensity of Xavier's gaze. "Yes, thank you," she murmurs, grateful for his steadying presence.

As they stand there for a moment, a silent understanding passes between them, a shared appreciation for each other's presence. Riya's eyes wander over Xavier's attire, noticing the elegance of his light beige kurta that complements his rugged features. She can't help but compliment him.

"You look handsome," she says, a genuine smile gracing her lips as she takes in his appearance. Xavier's lips curve into a grateful smile, his gaze softening even further as he returns the compliment. "And you look absolutely breathtaking, darling," he replies, his voice tinged with admiration.

Their brief encounter lingers in the air, a fleeting moment of connection amidst the excitement of the festivities. With a shared smile, Riya and Xavier part ways, their hearts warmed by the unexpected encounter and the mutual appreciation for each other's beauty. Her hasty effort to move away causes the anklet to slip past her anklet.

All she can think of is his eyes on her as she walks into the decorated courtyard. A hand on her chest in attempt to calm her heart. She can't help but bite her lip as she catches her reflection in the large vessel of water sitting near the pillar.
The vessel sparkling with the sun reflecting against the water, a few lotus flowers and the reflection of a blushing beauty.

The thirsty water drinks in the sight of the magnificent beauty as the lotus blooms further to catch a proper glimpse of the girl, jealous of the white rose in her hair.
The vessel pouts when the girl looks away, "I'm coming Meera bhabhi."

Soon, the Singhania's and Rao's gather in the courtyard of the Singhania's haveli for the mehndi. Aarav can't seem to get his eyes of his bride. Who unlike herself, has been a blushing mess all day.

Aarav sits quietly on the seat next to his brother as the women get their mehndi done. His gaze fixed on Muskaan as she sits before the skilled artist, her delicate hands outstretched. The atmosphere is filled with the sweet scent of the mehndi, mingling with the soft strains of traditional wedding melodies playing in the background. As the intricate designs begin to take shape on Muskaan's palms, Aarav finds himself captivated by the blush on her cheeks as the women tease her.

Muskaan sits with a serene expression, her eyes focused in concentration as the artist meticulously applies the thick paste, each swirl and curve telling a story of love and devotion. Aarav can't help but admire the graceful curve of her neck, the gentle slope of her shoulders that's exposed by the cut of her blouse, and the way her dark hair cascades down her back in loose waves.

Lost in his thoughts, Aarav reflects on the journey that has led them to this moment – the laughter, the tears, and the countless memories they have shared together. He feels a surge of love and gratitude wash over him, realising just how lucky he is to have Muskaan by his side.

As the application continues, Aarav's admiration for Muskaan only deepens, his heart swelling with pride at the thought that he'll be calling her his wife. He can't wait to begin this new chapter of their lives together, knowing that no matter what the future may hold, they will face it hand in hand, bound by a love that is as timeless as the intricate designs adorning Muskaan's hands.

Beside him, Xavier also seems to have his eyes and heart set on a girl. She's running around the place, making sure everyone is looked after. A frown sets on Xavier's face as he notices her hands are bare. No matter what anyone says, she doesn't it. Her excuse being they need to get everything ready for the evening. Even when Shourya stands, he can't get her to listen.

"Bhai! I'll get my mehndi done later myself. You just worry about Meesha! Look, she'll smudge her hand and then she'll be upset."

The families spend the rest of the afternoon celebrating the mehndi. Xavier watches Riya laugh at her brother's ailed attempts at finding his name in his bride's mehndi and how Riya and Muskaan have a shopping cart ready online that just needs his card details.
The family laughs and tease Aarav at how easily he gave his card details away, only to have him wink at his blushing bride.

Later in the day, Shourya and Rohan knock on Xavier's room, they have a lead on who the stalker may have been. The men sit in his room as Sofia naps in her baby pink anarkali.
"It has to be one of them."

Xavier's brows furrow as he looks at the invitation in his hand. It's from the event the Singhania's had held in Dubai. Someone had it delivered to the Haveli today. It had Riya's name on it, but Aarav had taken it from the delivery guy and ended up opening it.
Inside e found a note that says, "Hope this gives you a clue to get closer to finding me."
Alongside it was the invitation to the event from Dubai.

He had given it to Shourya immediately and wanted to join the men to see if they can work something out, but Shourya refused saying he should focus on his bride.
"Do we have a list of people who were invited?"

Rohan and Shourya are quick pull the list up. "Is there anyone who you guys might be suspecting?"
Shourya thinks over Xavier's question. "I don't trust any of them when it comes to Riya. But there was this one guy."

Later in the evening, Xavier finds himself getting ready for the Sangeet. The thought of the saree that she's going to be wearing tonight fills his mind. It'll be the one she had tried on that day. Something in his heart told him to wear that would look nice with her outfit. Something that'll look good with the beige saree.

SHAADIIIII ho rahi hai!!

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