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Book 4 of the Singhania family (Also the last one) - Can be read as a stand-alone.

Riya Singhania - 26-year-old captivating romance author. She enchants the world with the magic in her romance books. Finding romance even in the simplest of things, she dreams of having a love story of her own. What will happen when every part of her conscious tells her that she might finally have a chance at love, but it comes with a sacrifice she's not willing to make? What if the person her heart tells her is the man for her she hates with all her heart? Will the magic she writes for people to enjoy ever become a reality for her? Will she be able to make that sacrifice for her chance at love?

"I create a dreamland in my mind and articulate it to the world through my books."

"That's not something I can do, even if it's for the one thing I've always wanted."

"I hate you! More than I hate the fact that I want you!"

Xavier Luis Alejandro - 30-year-old ex-solider, who quit the job he was passionate about just for his daughter. The embodiment of strength, clouded by mystery he's the invincible protector. A man who knows how to get the job done, but one thing he doesn't know is how to love. Having always been bound by duty, he's never had time to be the doting partner. Which left his first and only relationship to crumble, leaving behind a precious miracle. What will happen when he's confronted by the possibility of love? What will happen when that possibility of love is pointing to the most unexpected person? Will he let his duty stop him? Or will he accept his feelings or will fight them? 

"I want to make that dreamland a reality. Just for you."

"If I let you into my space, I let you into my daughter's space. And I can't do that until I know I'm definitely sure about you."

"If you hate me so much, then why are you still here? Leave."

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