Chapter 16: Safe

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"Bhai only agreed because Aarav is with us. Aaj kal mujhe kahin akele nahi bhejte.'
(He doesn't let me go anywhere by myself.)
Riya sighs as she looks at her best friend, Muskaan , as she sips her cold coffee. Muskaan gawks at Riya, "of course he won't. Non of us want you out and about by yourself! There's a literal stalker out there after you!"

Riya sighs before huffing, "but it shouldn't like that!" Muskaan and Aarav share a look before sighing. The three are out, shopping for Muskaan and Aarav's upcoming wedding. The two want something low key back in Rajasthan where their families are rooted. In two weeks time they're gong to be going to Rajasthan and get married in the courtyard f the Singhania's haveli.

They really want Riya here today, she's one of the most important people to the couple d her opinion is one of the most important ones and one of the only ones they care about.

Seeing Riya's mood sour, Aarav leans forward wanting to lighten the atmosphere. "So, Xavier? And you at the author event? How did that go?" Her blush that covers Riya's cheeks makes the two smile. Muskaan nudges Aarav under the table, hinting to go with her words.
"So, Riya?" Muskaan wriggles her eyebrows at her, "Have you told Aarav about the little bet that you and your bodyguard have going on?"

Aarav raises a brow at his sister who then explains how she now has a bet with Xavier. Aarav's brow's furrow as he thinks over her words, "Wait, he I totally into you."
Riya rolls her eyes at her brother, "he is not. And this bet thing is just so stupid."

Riya's mind wanders back to the conversation they had last night before he went for a walk. Aarav can't help but sigh, "Riya, you clueless baby. If he had zero interest in you, he would have never indulged in such silly bets."
He throws his arm around Muskaan, pulling her in, "just like if I had no interest in Muskaan, I would have never gone ahead with her silly fake dating thing."

His words earn him a kick from under the table from his fiancée. "Tum Rehne do."
Riya laughs at the couple in front of her, but her heart doesn't believe that he might have feelings for her. "No matter what you guys say, the truth is that I like him, and it's like I don't exist for him."

Muskaan bites her lip, she agrees with Aarav that Xavier must have some feelings for Riya. "Riya, we mean it! There is definitely something here. Why don't you text him something, and see what happens."
Riya rolls her eyes, but pulls her phone out anyway. "Well, I do have a bet to win."

Aarav and Muskaan smile seeing Riya cheer up a little. Riya clicks on his name, opening their messages before she looks up. "Well, what do I text him?"
Aarav's eyes twinkle with an idea, his lips part to say it but he's quick to shut his mouth. His face cringes and he shuts his mouth. "I'm not giving any suggestions on how my sister should entice a man."

The girls cringe at his words, "eww Aarav."
Muskaan leans forward, "just text him something like 'you feel unsafe' and see what he says."
Riya smiles, knowing he most likely won't care. She types the message out and sends it.
"I feel unsafe."

Riya's heart races when she notices that he's read the text and is typing. "He's typing."
His text pops up and Riya can't help but blush. "He said 'send me the location now.' What do I do?"
Muskaan jumps in her seat, "send him the location."

Xavier leaves Sofia with Chhaya as he runs out the door. The roar of the motorcycle echoes through the quiet streets as Xavier, the stoic bodyguard, received a text from Riya, the woman he's protecting. Her message sent a shiver down his spine – she feels unsafe. Without hesitation, he gears up and thunders into the empty streets, the cold wind biting against his determined face.

As he weaves through traffic, Xavier's mind races with concern. The rhythmic thud of the engine matching the pounding of his heart. He pulls up to Riya's location, finding her sitting opposite her brother and Muskaan, glancing around. Wordlessly, he signals for her to hop on the back of the bike, offering a secure refuge within his strong presence.

She shakes her head and gestures for him to come in. Which he does. He takes a seat next to Riya, immediately reaching her hand under the table. "You okay? What happened?"
His heart racing as he looks around the calm environment.

"It was a joke! Muskaan dared me so I texted."
His concern dissolves into anger as he stares at Riya, "Is this funny? Do you have any idea how concerned I was?"
Riya turns away from him, huffing like a small child, "okay! It was a joke. Calm down."

Before the two can carry on their argument, Muskaan intervenes. "We need to go try on some outfits for the events, Xavier would you like to join us?"
Riya doesn't look his age, hoping he'll say no. Aarav pays the bill as he helps Muskaan out of her chair. "Each, come with us now that you'll be attending the wedding."
Xavier thinks about the idea, letting it sit in his mind for a few moments before he nod his head. "I guess I could stay."

And with those words, Riya almost huffs. She doesn't want him here, but little does she know that the only thing running through Xavier's head is how her text made feel. His heart is still racing at the thought that she felt unsafe, and how he had felt realising that he is the first person she texts. Even though now he knows it had been a prank, he can't deny the way he's feeling in this moment.

Although he can see her safe and secure, his subconscious still needs to let it settle in that she is okay. He places a hand on his heart to calm him as he watches her slip out her seat and follow the couple out. She then turns around, and raises a brow at him. "You don't have to stay."
His eyes take in the sight of her, the beautiful sight. Irritation rises in him again with the tone she uses.
"I'm staying."
Riya rolls her eyes a the fact that he imitates her tone right back to her.

"Ugh, whatever."
A smirk makes its way on his face at her irritated voice as he walks behind her.

Hey Guys!! How was the update?
And I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to leave a small note lately, I've just been super busy! But now I'll try my best to leave a note for you guys.

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