Chapter 12: Growing Hate

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"Are you fucking kidding me!?"
Riya stands in the middle of the living room of her home as gapes at her bodyguard.
"It's for your safety. Just yesterday you were almost shot."

Meera and Shourya stand with them, trying to convince Riya that the decision is for her betterment. Shourya sighs before looking down at his wife. "The gun is just for precaution. And he had it yesterday too."
Riya and Xavier are on their way to a black tie event held for the famous authors around the world, there are at going to be a large number of people gathered tonight.

Riya has been looking forward to the event for a very long time and she didn't want anything to hinder her experience tonight. She had spent weeks picking out her perfect gown and matching accessories, and now because of a creepy stalker she needs to take along the man she wants to avoid. And to make it worse, he's carrying a gun. Not being able to argue with her brother, she sighs before walking glut in her new gown.

The gown draped gracefully around her figure, its black silk flowing in sleek lines. Intricate lace adorn the décolletage, adding a touch of sophistication, while the flowing train trailed behind, creating an aura of timeless elegance. The simplicity of the design highlights the wearer's poise, turning the black gown into a symbol of refined beauty. It's as if she's wrapped in the night sky.

Meera gives Xavier an apologetic smile before turning to calm her husband. She knows he'll be worried until Riya doesn't get back. Xavier walks behind her, he wore a classic black tuxedo tailored to allow easy movement. With it he wore a crisp white dress shirt. The black tie and silk handkerchief adds a dash of sophistication, while shiny black patent leather shoes complete the ensemble. His confident demeanor and attention to detail reflects a man prepared for the night ahead.

The drive to the event is silent, the two sit at the back as the driver takes them to their destination. The sky is pitch black, no stars, just a full moon watching down at the last Singhania sibling's story unfold. The same moon who lovingly gazes at all the other Singhania couples, glows down at Riya in hope her fate will be similar to the rest of her brothers'.

Once at the event, Xavier helps Riya out of car. "Please remember no one knows that you're my bodyguard."
Her soft whisper reveals her nervousness. She doesn't want the opportunities that may be present here to be hindered by her stalker situation. The only people made aware of the situation were the security in charge of the event so Xavier would be able to bring in his gun. Other than that, no one knows.
"I'm your date, I remember."

His hand finds the small of her back as he guides her into the building, their false intimacy accentuated by the elegance of their attire. Despite the dazzling surroundings, an unspoken tension lingers beneath the surface. She keeps her distance, subtly avoiding his touch, while he maintained the charade with a polished smile. The tension between them added an intriguing layer to their performance, a carefully choreographed masquerade at odds with the glamour of the black-tie affair. The only people who need to know of their hate for one another was the two of them.

He walks her over to a free table, helps her in her seat before offering to bring her a drink. His actions would make her swoon, but the knowledge that it's a facade and he rejected the proposition of anything like this being a reality for them makes her scoff. In her eyes, it's an act to not cause people to suspect.

"Here you go. I hope wine is okay."
"It's perfect."

She watches him hand it to her, the way his eyes take in the sight of her without the tiniest bit of shame. It makes her smirk, but still irks frustration as to why he's openly showing interest in her when he's so vocal about not being interested. She wants to feed into the attention, but she doesn't want to be the first to admit any kind of feelings.
"Eyes off."

Her words catch his attention, ripping his eyes off the small leak of her chest he looks back up to her. "Yes, ma'am."
His words ignite a raging fire in her and the deep voice that comes with the smirk add fuel top it. She tries to not let his words affect her, but she can't lie. Just his presence near her makes her body awaken with awareness, and she hates it. Meanwhile, Xavier hates himself for not being able to control his eyes or how the sight of her makes him feel.

He knowes it won't work out, he has a daughter who would get her hopes high and he doesn't want her hurt. Their little hate game is going to have to carry on till the day they die to avoid anyone's heart being broken. She would never fit into his lifestyle, they're too different. "I'm going to go say hi to some people."
Before he can intervene and say he'll come with her, she's gone.

The bodyguard discreetly observes his client, impressed by her grace and elegance. As she moves through the crowd, he can't help but admire her beauty, a silent acknowledgment of the responsibility to protect someone so captivating. His eyes lingers on the intricate details of her gown, appreciating the way it complements her figure. Xavier silently marvels at the elegance of her attire, a testament to the impeccable taste that matched her captivating presence.

He can't help but feel intoxicated by just the sight of her silhouette. The way she moves around, the way the fabric grips her skin reminding him of how it felt under his fingertips, they way she bats her eyes at people and throw a casual wink makes his blood boil with anger. His hands itch to reach for her, to pull her close and tell her to stop with her antics. But, how his duty and responsibility towards her stops him from blurring the rigid lines. And how his defiance towards her as a romantic partner urge him to make the lines more rigid and strong.

He watches as the man she's speaking to right now leans in closer to her ear, how his lands on her waist and how she throws her head back and laughs at his words. He watches him guide her to the dance floor and how she places a hand in his and the other one on his shoulder.

From across the room, he observes the scene with a tight jaw as she dances gracefully with the man, their closeness palpable even in the elegant ballroom. Jealousy flares in his eyes, fueled by the undeniable chemistry between them. The chemistry he is desperately trying to hide. As the music plays and the lights dim, he can't escape the bitterness, a silent understanding of their shared enmity, intensified by the intimate dance unfolding before him.

He doesn't want her close to this man, yet he doesn't have the right to intervene. Riya and Xavier have established they won't work out. They had established a mutual hate between the two, but he had also established an undeniable attraction. An attraction he's going to fight against and animosity. The two will never work out. And he hates it. He hates her. He hates how he hates her. He hates how she hates him. Gulping down the of his drink, he calls for another one. A foolish decision for a man on duty.

Meanwhile, with calculated poise, Riya dances with the man, her gaze subtly fixated on her bodyguard who seems to find her a little girl. As the music enveloped them, she can't help but steal glances, a small smile playing on her lips. Her movements are a deliberate invitation, a silent challenge to evoke the jealousy she wants in him, reveling in the art of subtle manipulation amidst the dance floor's allure. She wants him to feel a certain way, and by the way he's watching her she thinks she may have achieved it.

The fact that he doesn't come up to her makes her heart blow up into flames and the fact she watches him as she dances burns him to ashes. The small act from both of them adds to the growing hate.

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