Chapter 23: Worry

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He runs up the stairs, straight towards her room. But before he can reach her door, a voice from the terrace catches his attention. The terrace, where his hands drew intricate designs on the palm of the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

He stands at a distance, watching Riya on the terrace with another guy. His jaw clenches, and his brows furrow as he observes them laugh together. He takes a deep breath, trying to control the surge of jealousy rising within him.

"What's she doing with him?"

He walks closer, trying to hear their conversation, but their laughter drowns out any discernible words. Riya glances in his direction, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she catches sight of Xavier's tense expression.

Riya leans towards Saksham, "Watch this."
She leans in further placing a hand on the other guy's arm, pretending to be engrossed in their conversation. Xavier's jealousy intensifies, his fists clenching at his sides.

Xavier resists the urge to step closer, as he whispers under his breath, "Why is she doing this?"

Saksham leans back, enjoying Riya's antics, She had told him that she wanted to annoy Xavier. Xavier's frustration mounts, and he struggles to maintain his composure.

He steps forward, "Riya!"

She turns towards Xavier, a smirk playing on her lips as she feigns innocence. She runs her hand up Saksham's arm.
"Xavier, hey! What brings you here?"

Xavier clenches his jaw, trying not want to show any kind of emotion. "Just checking in. Didn't expect to find you here."

She smiles, "Oh, we were just catching up. Haven't spoken to each other since our date, so.."

As if on cue, Saksham reaches for the curl framing her face. Xavier forces a smile, his jealousy boiling beneath the surface.
"Nice to meet you."

Xavier returns the greeting before he exchanges a knowing glance with Riya, her eyes dancing with triumph. She knows she's ticked him off, and Xavier's white knuckle prove it.

"Well, Xavier, we should get going. Thanks for checking in."

She wraps an arm around Saksham's bicep as they leave the terrace, Xavier's mind races with conflicting emotions. He knows Riya's game, but he can't shake the unsettling feeling that gnaws at him, leaving him to wonder how much of it is just a bet and how much is real.

As Riya and Saksham laugh as soon as they're out of Xavier's sight. Whereas, Xavier questions if the resistance is ever worth it. He knows all the reasons why he shouldn't give in, but all he can see is the one reason he should.

He leans against the railing before looking up at the moon. The moon that's the only witness to the moments between Riya and Xavier from earlier. Maybe he should just put his uninterested facade away. But she's his client now, he can't involve himself with the woman he's trying to protect. It's against his morals.

After a few moments , he makes his way down. The sight in front of him, makes him forget the his thoughts from before. He sees Riya dancing her heart away with Rohan as they skip around Chhaya who has her son in her arms. Beside them are Muskaan, Shourya, Meera and Aarav dancing. Shourya has Vihaan on his shoulders and Aarav has Sofia's on his shoulders.

Meesha clings to her mother's shoulder as she laugh at her father. he can't help but feel he can fit right in. Xavier catches sight of Shourya, who calls him over and when Xavier shakes his head, he whispers something in his son's ear. Before Xavier has a chance to process anything, he a set of three tiny hands pulling his towards the dance floor.

The families spend the night dancing their hearts away, the celebrations becoming better when Avantika makes an entrance with her husband. Muskaan and her laugh and giggle at their history. Xavier can't wipe the smile off his face when he has his daughter in his arms, under the moonlight, swaying to the music.

This is gold for him, he rarely has moment like these with his daughter with his demanding job. But, here, in this moment, this is heaven. He wishes to live in this moment right here.
"I will actually kill, groom or not!"
Sofia laughs at Riya as she screams at her brother, Shourya hurries steps in front of his sister . "Bhai, look! Mera Lehnga saara kharab kr diya!"
(Bhai, look! He ruined my outfit!)

Xavier can't help but laugh as the haldi drips from the sides of her cheeks. The sound of his laughter lands in Riya's ears, causing her to squint her eyes at him.
"Don't you dare laugh!"

Her words cause another round of laughter to erupt from Xavier. Riya grabs a handful of the haldi paste before she charges towards him. Sofia giggles at her dad as he runs away from Riya. As Riya dashes through the crowded space of their courtyard, her white lehnga billows behind, her determined eyes fixated on her target. Xavier, who is skill fully weaving through the crowd, can't wipe the smirk off his face when he pushes past Saksham.

With a mischievous grin, Riya rubs the paste between her hands, the vibrant yellow hue gleaming in the sunlight.
"Xavier, I will catch you!" She calls out, her voice filled with laughter and excitement as she picks up her pace.

Xavier sensing her determined pursuit, quickens his steps, his heart racing with a mix of anticipation and amusement. He glances over his shoulder, a playful glint in his eyes, as he dodges around Rohan who is holding a tray of snacks for his wife. He narrowly avoids the collision.

But Riya is relentless, her determination unwavering as she deftly navigates around people. With a burst of speed, she closes the gap between them, her laughter echoing through her chaotic scene.

Finally, seizing her opportunity she lunges forward, her hand outstretched and with a triumphant shout, she manages to smear a generous dollop of haldi on Xavier's cheeks.

Caught off guard, Xavier staggers, his surprise quickly turning into laugher as he wipes the paste off his face, leaving behind yellow streaks on his skin.

Amidst the laughter and cheers of their onlookers, Riya stands victorious, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she revels her successful pursuit. The family watch Riya as she scurries away up the stairs with Xavier just behind her.
"You can't catch me that easily!"

Her heart pounds with excitement as she turns a corner. Xavier's voice floats behind her, "Oh, I beg to differ! You could never escape my grasp." His footsteps thunders after her, each step bringing him closer.
Riya glances back over her shoulder, a mischievous grin dancing on her lips.

"Oh  come on! Your old bones can't keep up?" She playfully taunts, her laughter mixing with the sound of her pursuit.
Xavier's laugh joins hers, "My old bone do can do a lot of things, just let me get my hands on you."

Riya darts around another corner, her hair flowing in the air behind her, her laughter bubbling up as she teases Xavier with a glance back. The thrill of the chase courses through her veins, exhilarating and electrifying.

Before she can push the doors to a room open, Riya feels a hand landing on her waist. She feels herself being backed up into a corner, her back hitting the stone wall. Xavier stands before her, a triumphant smirk playing on his lips as he catches his breath.

Caught in the moment, Riya's laughter softens into a breathless chuckle.
"You got me," she admits, her eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief and anticipation.

Xavier grins, his gaze locking with hers. "Finally," he teases, his voice low and playful as he leans closer, a rush of adrenaline still pulsing between them.

"You step any closer and you lose." Her words come out as a breathless whisper mixed with a teasing tone. Her hearts beats against her chest, she's sure that he could feel it. She gulps as his eyes darken.

"I couldn't care less about that right now."
His words come out as a soft whisper before his hands wander up her back. She gulps as his fingers fiddle with the dori on her blouse.

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