Chapter 11: Protectiveness

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Riya soon finds herself in her brother's office with four grown men shadowing over her. After what happened at her office, Xavier had insisted she go home. But she didn't want to worry her parents, so they decided to go to  Shourya's office. After hearing her broken voice on the phone, Shourya had quickly called Aarav and Rohan to his office as they waited.

As soon as she was in her brother's arms, she broke down in tears. Shourya had held her in his arms, helping her to the couch whilst Aarav got her some water. Rohan was quick to call the security he had put in place at Riya's work as he tried to work out and what happened. As of now, Riya sniffles into the tissue as Xavier explains what happened.
"The note was left at the reception. She had asked me to grab something from the reception and I asked a guard to get it and he came over with this."

Shourya presses his index and middle finger into his temples as he listens to his friend. "As soon as he found it, he had notified the security at the front to find out how it got there. She was immediately removed from the meeting and taken to her personal office. It seemed to be the safest place at the moment."

Xavier watches Aarav help his sister out of her heels and put her coat to the side before pulling her into his arms. It's clear to him that she is incredibly close to her twin, the way she's cuddling into him, the way she's clutching onto him, and the way she's letting her pent up feelings out, it all shows their how strong their bond is.

Shourya's blood boils as he watches the cctv footage of his sister shaking in fear,  powering away from the broken glass. Some miserable mistake is out there successfully scaring the living daylights out of one of the most precious people in his life. He isn't going to let this slide.
"Find the information on every single person who entered that building today. Each and every one."

Rohan nods his head, deciding to not protest against Shourya's words. Especially right now, with his jaw clenching, hands in fists and eyes slowly turning red. Riya sniffles as she watches her brother slowly lose control, she then watches him pull out his phone and press it against his ear. "Hello, Meera jaan."

"I'll take you home." Xavier whispers in Riya's ear before helping her up. She gives her brothers' a hug before walking out. Xavier holds onto her belongings as he guides the scared girl out. His heart hurts at the sight of her flinching at the smallest sound. The string in his ice cold heart pull him toward her, but how can his icy heart provide her with warmth?

Helping her into passengers seat, he hops into the driver's seat. The drive is quiet and painfully slow as he speeds through broad daylight. The tension rising with every second. Riya, still shaken from the near-attack, stares out the window, her eyes reflecting a mix of fear and defiance. The bodyguard, stone-faced, keeps his eyes on the road, a thick silence hanging between them.

Finally, she broke it, her voice shaky. "You saved me back there, thank you."

Xavier glances at her, he can hear the softness in her voice, a hint of a frown crossing his face. He doesn't want her to turn soft for him, it'll screw up things. "It's my job to protect, not to explain."

She scoffs at his harsh tone. She's trying to be nice, yet he seems to have a professional outlook. She's trying to confide in him as a familiar figure, yet he has his front up like always. She rolls her eyes, her mind moving away from the incident, "I didn't need your protection."

"Actions speak louder than words," he replies, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. The city lights blurring as they continued their journey. Silence slowly sets back in, broken only by the distant hum of the engine. Xavier thinks back to her words, he sighs as he glances her way. "You don't need to thank me, it's my duty."
She hums, "but still."

Xavier parks outside her home, but none of them move to step out. His eyes take in her now dried, yet still red eyes. His hand itches to creep closer, ouch the strand of hair out of her face. Her fists clench around the fabric of her sleeve, anxiety filling her.
"What does this creep want?" Her words come out broken as another set of hot tears flow down her cheeks burning Xavier's heart.
"You." His voice comes out soft. Their voices linger in the car, as if his tone find her words and catch the broken words to out back together.

Riya's eyes catch his to find them already on her. A warm hand wraps her cold one as she watches him closer.
"But I won't let him have you." His voice rumbles, offering a rare moment of compassion between the two, "you're safe with me."
It's as if his eyes on hers, and his hand warming hers work as a way to ease the adrenaline pumping through her veins. The aftermath of the events of today weighing on her.

Her bodyguard, sensing her distress, runs his thumb over the back of her hand. "You're safe now," he assures. She nods, but her gaze remains distant, haunted by the recent threat. As she finally musters the courage to step out, her hand reaches for the door handle, fingers trembling.

His eyes locked onto hers, a flicker of understanding passing between them. "Take your time," he said, offering a soft smile. With a deep breath, she opened the door and steps onto the pavement. Her legs unsteady, and she leans against the car for support. Xavier watches silently, ready to intervene if needed.

After a moment, she straightened herself, a defiant glint in her eyes replacing the vulnerability. "I can handle myself," she declares, more to convince herself than him. He nods acknowledging her strength, leaving her standing alone on the brightly lit foyer as her mother rushes out to her, the echoes of the event still lingering in the air as she watches the man who had saved her walk into her home. And somehow, knowing he'll be a few feet away from her at all times brought her a strange comfort.

But she can't confide in this comfort forever, they both know that.

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