Lady Bromwell's Fall (2)

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When I entered the royal court again, I saw that the nobles cast disdainful eyes towards me, much different than the first time I was here under the guise of the fake heir.

A jester threw a ball towards me, but Garlan by my side, used his lute to bat it away.

"It smells of copper," one nobleman remarked.

I knew his words were targeting me, for being a merchant and trading in smelly copper coins. However, I did not lose my composure. I had more wealth in my tradeshop than this nobleman's entire family.

Recently, I've been able to see more of the black miasma, and sadly, most of the noblemen and noblewomen had faint lines of miasma surrounding them. As the curse gradually released it's hold on me, I could see faint miasma on people now.

Before, when I was in that murderous village, I saw the miasma because those people were heavily weighed down by their sins. How much sin must a person commit in order to have such a thick amount of miasma? As for the slave traders and the caravan leader, I did not see the miasma because besides robbing and enslaving others, they didn't commit murder, so their miasma would have been fainter.

Now, I'm sure if I were to meet the slave traders again, I would be able to see the miasma emitting from their body.

At first, I thought this ability to see miasma was related to the tradeshop, but later, I realized, this power was innate.

Casting a glance around the room, besides Princess Raine, there was not a single person who did not emit miasma. I knew that even myself, who had murdered before, emitted miasma. Despite killing in self-defense, murder is still murder.

"Greetings to Your Majesty, may the light of the gods shine upon you," I greeted the king.

"What a handsome fellow," His Majesty said, with a pleased smile on his face.

Had it not been for the thick miasma emitting from his body, I wouldn't think the king was a scary person.

"Princess Raine told me you were the one who saved her and helped her connect with Crohn."

I nodded my head and spoke, "I only did what the gods led me to do."

"Yes, the gods are wise. However, your assistance cannot be forgotten. Tell me, how should I reward you?"

"Your Majesty, I'm but a merchant. Besides traveling far to experience the wonders of this world, there is nothing I desire."

"Traveling?" His Majesty mused over this word. In the silent moment when the king was thinking, I turned my gaze upon Princess Raine.

She was now in early adolescence. Her beauty had grown. I had heard several comments from the courtiers, while waiting to enter the court, that Princess Raine was growing up to resemble her beautiful mother, Lady Klein.

A few courtiers even mentioned the future marriage of Princess Raine. I knew a few of them thought Duke Allendorf would be the most likely candidate from the Dayu Kingdom. As for me, I had never heard of this duke before, so I did not have any inkling if he would make a fine match for Princess Raine. 

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