Heading East

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The capital was north from my current position. To the south would be the Kingdom of Nillah. As for the West, I had heard from guard before that it was all forest. To the East was a desert kingdom. The people here in Dayu refer to the desert kingdom as the Land of Flying Sands, but the people of the desert kingdom refer to themselves as the Golden Sands Kingdom. This is because the sand in their country is laced with real gold flakes.

The Golden Sands citizens pan for gold to earn a living. Due to the lack of water, they devise wind machines to blow the sand away, separating the sand from the gold. And because of the lack of water, they also rely on outsiders for food. Dayu merchants willing to travel in the hot desert are often rewarded with plenty of gold for their troubles. Only those who know the route to the oasis and desert towns would survive the heat and lack of water.

Although it was a lucrative trade route, but due to sandstorms, quicksand and wild animals, many people were persuaded not to attempt the trade. As their life was more important than earning gold.

I thought this wasn't a bad idea for me to visit the Golden Sands Kingdom. After all, I might find exciting adventure in another land.

However, since I didn't know the price of items in various different areas, I felt I had to study the market first.

Although water and food are both important in the Golden Sands Kingdom, but if I sold at too low a price, I would affect the current economy. Local merchants would be unable to sell their goods, if they bought high and now had to sell low because of a competitor undercutting the prices.

Therefore, I should buy and sell in Dayu, make friends with other merchants, gather intelligence and then when I travel to the Golden Sands Kingdom, I would be somewhat prepared.

As I thought of this, I set my new plan into motion.

While traveling, I hid myself among the trees on the edge of the road. I didn't know if the bad villagers were looking for me, who had killed their compatriots.

I didn't encounter any more bad villagers. Therefore, I began to walk on the dirt road, which was much more comfortable and faster than walking through the brush. Not long after, I met a man walking towards me on the road.

"Good day," I greeted him.

"Good day, young lad, where are you heading?" he asked me.

"I'm going to sell my wares," I told him.

"Wares?" he asked me.

"Yes," I said as I removed my cloak to show the hoe and pitchfork slung on my back.

"What good timing," he said to me. "I am walking into town to buy a hoe. Now that you have a new one, I won't have to walk the distance. Tell me how much you want to sell it for."

I thought and said, "I can sell it for money, but I can also do a trade. I'm in need of a lodging for tonight."

The sun was nearing the horizon.

The man smiled and said, "What say you a silver coin and night's lodging on a warm bed with a hot meal."

"That sounds fair," I told the man.

And then we both headed towards his village.

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