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I deliberated on how I could lie to Eris and make her believe me. As a goddess who lived for eons, she wouldn't' be easy to trick. As a mortal, I didn't have the confidence I could trick a goddess.

Eris seemed like someone who might be drunk on her own power and also power hungry. I thought about everything I could do at this moment, but nothing was feasible. The odds were against me. Tangled, I had a premonition I wouldn't leave this place any time soon.

Eris saw me standing quietly in the background. She looked at me and asked, "Well, young man, do you want to join my plight and help elevate me back into a goddess?

Finding an opening to probe and perhaps wheedle Eris into releasing me, I answered, "I don't mind helping you. For in fact, I find you pitiful."

Suddenly, Eris jumped down my throat as she angrily refuted, "Pitiful? Me? Young man, you've forgotten you're a mortal speaking to a goddess. I can kill you easily with a mere thought. Yet, you think you are in the position to pity me?"

Fearing for my life, I used my utmost sincerity to reply, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you feel belittled. It's just, I want to help you, but I don't know if the black miasma on you can be removed."

Although I already knew the answer, but I found it wise to feign ignorance.

"Oh? You don't see me as an enemy?" Eris pronounced and then smiled sardonically. "That's a good boy," she told me.

"By all means, I can't divulge the secrets of the heavens. However, if you become one of my followers, I can lend you my power."

"Lend me your power?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes," Eris gleefully said. "You see, we gods can lend our powers to those we form a strong bond with. I believe you mortals call it a boon."

"Then, you can grant wishes?" I asked skeptically.

"You don't believe me," Eris said, her tone showed her displeasure at having been doubted by a mere mortal like myself. She turned towards Lady Bromwell who had been standing like a wallflower. "Show him the might your Bromwell Family has borrowed."

"I shall obey," Lady Bromwell curtsied, as she answered Eris.

Then, before my very eyes, Lady Bromwell began to change. The big bright eyes sunk into her sockets. Her shiny, silky hair turned dull and dry. Her full plump lips drooped. The high nose bridge collapsed. The originally beautiful face turned haggard within moments.

"You see, this is my power," Eris stated proudly.

I was still dumbfounded and knew not what to say. I couldn't' believe my eyes. The magic used upon Lady Bromwell had disappeared, leaving behind an ugly woman.

Lady Bromwell spoke saucily to me, "Have you seen enough?"

I turned my eyes sideways, and replied, "Yes."

With a satisfied sigh, Lady Bromwell then returned to her former gorgeous self.

However, I was still shaken by this magic demonstration.

Note:  This is what Princess Raine might look like.  This is an AI (Dall-E) generated image.

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