A Shining Figure

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In the morning, I woke up to birdsong. The night had been cold, but I found myself rested. I thought this place was not bad. However, it wasn't a place a person could survive alone. Especially, not someone like me who neither had hunting nor trapping skills.

I tidied up the small treehouse. Then I left the area to continue my journey. I had restless legs and an equally restless heart. I felt only when I'm moving from here to there did I feel at home. I liked the feeling of seeing new sights, encountering new experiences and living a free life in the wide, open world.

As I traveled along, I found a manmade footpath. Perhaps, this meant I was nearing a village. Villagers often enter the woods to gather dead branches for firewood.

I followed the path and suddenly what appeared before me was a shining figure. She wasn't shining like the blazing sun, but shining more like the soft glowing moon.

Although I was afraid, I still muster up my courage to ask, "Who are you?"

"Oh Casper," she said with a sad tone in her voice. "I'm so sorry. If I hadn't failed you, you wouldn't have fallen under a god's curse. You wouldn't have had your memory sealed."

"A curse? I'm under a curse?" I asked out loud, wondering if this was true or not. However, I thought back to how I couldn't remember much from my childhood and then then how I became Lady Browell's son, everything clicked into place. Indeed, I knew I wasn't her son and that there was something wrong with me.

"Don't worry, the curse did nothing more than repress your original memories and change your facial features. Over time, it will weaken and you will regain your hidden memories, as well as your original looks."

"Then who are you?" I asked again, now more sure than ever that this person knew me.

"I once made an agreement to help you in this life. However, because I failed you again, I am no longer allowed to stay by your side. I secretly snuck here to meet you and say goodbye. Before I disappear from your life forever, I want to give you a gift."

The figure sent a bright round ball of light towards me. The light enveloped me in bright light and then subsided.

"From now on, you have an internal function, which will allow you to connect to a tradeshop. You need to purchase the goods from the tradeshop with gold. You can sell what you purchase in the tradeshop to make money. There is also a storage space for you to store items. Please note the storage is limited to only 50 cubic yards."

"What?" I asked incredulously.

All of a sudden, a ray of purple lightning streaked across the sky. The sad face in front of me turned panicked.

"I have to go now," the figure said. "Goodbye forever Casper."

"Wait!" I called out desperately.

Before I could stop her, the figure flew into the heavens. As she left, she spoke.

"Always remember the gods can put obstacles in your path, but they cannot change your destiny. Only you can change your own destiny and forge a new path."

"I understand," I replied to her, but I felt my heart sink.

There were still so many questions unresolved.

Note:  This is an image of Midas.  This image was generated by AI (Dall-E).

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