A Strange Power

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Although I appreciated the gift and knowledge the figure left me, but now, new mysteries were presented to me. I was frustrated I couldn't obtain any more information from her.

The only silver lining in this cloud were the two gifts I received. They were both easy to access. I only needed to think of the store and it would appear in my mind. I could also easily conjure the storage space in my mind. And when I thought of putting something away, it would enter the storage space. If I wanted to retrieve something, I only had to think of taking it out.

The store had plenty of good things for a very low price. I would definitely make profits reselling the items from the store.

Despite having this gift, I lacked the initial funds to purchase wares to sell.

After putting away the store, I walked down the path. Although I wanted to know more about my curse and why the curse was placed on me in the first place, I knew fretting over it now would not help. Since it was something I could not change right now, I could only wait for time to pass and for the curse to slowly release. When that happens, I will remember my past. Perhaps, there would be answers in my sealed memories.

After half a day of walking, I found myself in front of a farming village. There were plenty of cows, ducks, sheep and cows. A river ran through the center of the village. In the village town square, the river ran into a small manmade pond. Here, people used buckets to draw water for their own use.

Below the pond, water would waterfall over a flat stony area for washing clothes. I saw young girls washing clothes, while young men peeped at them from a short distance.

Some very young children ran around in a game of chase. The older women were most likely at home cooking and the men were most likely in the fields, which I could see lining the periphery of the village.

As I approached the village, an elderly man with a head full of white hair greeted me. Black wisps of smoke evaporated from his body, making him look quite dangerous.

"Good day lad," he said. "Are you a traveler?"

"Good day," I answered, holding back from telling him too much true information. "I'm a traveling merchant."

"A traveling merchant?," the elderly man quizzically asked me, as though he couldn't believe it."

After all, I was wearing fine clothes, set aside for nobles.

"Yes, I come from the capital after a successful venture. Now, I travel the land to enjoy the scenery and gather new and interesting wares."

"Oh? Then are you traveling by yourself?" he asked.

The answer to the question was obvious. I smiled wryly and answered, "No, I lost my caravan when I wandered out to find food. I'm certain they are nearby."

The elderly man smiled warmly. "Come to my home," the elderly man invited.

I agreed. It was a pity I came to visit, but did not bear any token gift. It was rude to pay a visit to a stranger's home without a token gift.

Before I entered the elderly man's home, I stopped on the door frame. Inside the home, I saw thick black miasma. Something was very wrong! An internal voice warned.

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