Familiar Faces

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When a month had passed by, the caravan leader left a message with the inn, stating that he heard a group of slaves would be sold in the town square. Slaves could be auctioned publicly. The people of the Sand Kingdom did not allow their own people to become slaves, but foreigners could be slaves.

It's no wonder it was a risk for foreign merchants to make money in the Sand Kingdom. However, the lure of high profits often blinded people.

On the day of the slave auction, I followed the caravan leader to the town square.

I saw several dirty men, all dressed in dirty clothes. They also smelled of sweat. The body odor was hard to stomach. There were also some women, but these women looked like they had been better treated.

I carefully observed all the faces of the soon-to-be-sold people. I did not recognize anyone. My heart fell into the deepest pit. Depressed, I still planned to purchase all the slaves, set them free and give them some money to return to their homeland.

The auction started and contrary to my expectations, there were no bidders. It was only then that I realized the ordinary citizens of the Sand Kingdom did not condone slavery. It was only the upper class, who wanted slaves to work as servants in their homes. As for female slaves, they were used as sex slaves.

I bought up all the male slaves. When it came to the female slaves, I had no problems, except for one young beautiful girl. Another person bided against me, and we had a fierce fight. However, I managed to outbid him, spending my last gold coin, but I still had plenty of silver coins, so I did not worry too much.

I spent all my gold coins to purchase the slaves. I immediately set them free publicly, allowing everyone present to witness this. Many people, slaves and free people, praised me.

"Blessing from the goddess."

"May the goddess' blessing fall upon your head."

Such blessings rang loudly in the town square.

After I set the slaves free, I asked them where they were from and then calculated how much money they would need to travel home. When the freed people received their money, they cried and told me they would leave this damned sandy hell.

As for the women, I found a trustworthy merchant, introduced by the caravan leader, to take them back home. As though by luck, I found out the women all came from the same kingdom north of the Sandy Kingdom called Frostreach or Galdoria in their language.

I returned to the inn, a bit saddened by the fact I did not meet with my former comrades.

Then, I heard someone call my name out in the street.

I turned to look and suddenly, I saw several familiar faces.

It was Squire Sam and the others.

"Sir," I called out to Squire Sam.

I ran up to him and hugged him out of joy. Normally, such intimate actions would not be condoned, however, Squire Sam only patted me on the back to comfort me. He knew I must have been frightened, traveling alone in an unfamiliar land.

At last, I asked him, "How did you come here?"

"We managed to get the village elder to help us defeat the bandits, when the bandit leader pursued you. When the bandit leader returned, we banded together and make quick work of him. Then we searched for you, but could not find you. We finally set off and on the way, we met another merchant caravan. Among the merchants, there was a man I knew from before. He willingly vouched for me and we were allowed to join his group. We came here when we heard there would be a slave auction, thinking if you had escaped, you might have been captured and forced into slavery. But I am glad you are safe. And you even bought so many slaves and set them free."

"I also came here to find all of you. I planned to buy your freedom, but it seems you managed to get away."

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