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The need for an heir could make His Majesty look the other way. Through various eavesdropping moments, I gathered His Majesty was much in need of an heir. If none could be found, his distant royal cousin twice removed. This young man was of His Majesty's grandchildren's generation. The cousin's grandfather was His Majesty's first cousin. The cousin's grandfather and father had both passed away due to a deadly plague several years ago.

His Majesty did not know this cousin twice removed well and had a competitive relationship with the cousin's grandfather from a young age. Although the king was saddened to hear of his cousin's passing, but he was also relieved that there was one less person who could claim his throne.

There were also rumors the cousin twice removed was not of royal blood, but this was a rumor and never confirmed.

Relationships in royal families were baffling. Royals depended on other royal family members to fight wars, but they also had to guard against one another, for fear the other would try to seize power.

Such a dichotomy in their relationship made it quite difficult to say if they liked or hated each other.

As for me, my stay in the capital felt much too long and I longed to go somewhere else.

The day after Prince Edric departed, I too departed the capital.

On the day we left, Lady Bromwell acted affectionately and dabbed at the tears in her eyes. For me, I could not say I was saddened by this parting. Rather, I found it refreshing.

His Majesty did not go in person to see me off, however he sent a chancellor in his stead. Princess Raine came to see both Lord Crohn and me off. I liked the princess and hoped she would live happily now that she was reunited with her father.

From Lord Crohn, I learned Princess Raine lived a beggar's vagabond life until she was saved by her adopted older brother, who had gone missing. When Lord Crohn mentioned this adopted brother, his eyes turned abnormally puzzled. It was as though he was lost in his deep thoughts. I thought there was something special about this young man, otherwise, the right hand man of the king would not be so troubled with his disappearance.

As the carriage rattled down the cobblestone road, I breathed out a long sigh of relief. Now, the only person I had to guard against is Lord Crohn and the members of his entourage. Following my carriage, there was another carriage with Lord Crohn, Garlan and Bacchanal. From what I could see, these two people were the closest confidants besides Lord Crohn. I wonder how Lord Crohn came to be in contact with them, as these two had an air of being from the lower class.

In my carriage, I was luckily left on my own. The carriage wheels made a soothing sound as they rolled along on the dusty rutted road.

The sound lulled me to sleep. Just as I closed my eyes, the carriage came to a sudden halt.


Following the shout, the clanging of swords erupted outside. Chaos ensued. Arrows shot at the carriage windows. However, the glass kept the arrows from penetrating the inside of the carriage.

I looked out and saw men with covered faces approach with drawn swords. I knew then that I was no longer safe in my current position.

I looked out the window on the other side and seeing no one approaching, I opened the door and fled. I ran into the woods, where arrows would not easily find me. Frantically running for my life, I forgot about my companions. When I came to my senses, I found myself utterly lost in the deepest part of the woods.

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