Lady Bromwell Falls (1)

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Since we arrived late, we could not enter the royal castle. Instead, we stayed at Lord Crohn's residence. This was a smaller residence, kept only for Lord Crohn's stay when he was in the capital. Most of the time, lords with assigned land governance, did not live in the capital.

When I woke up the next day, Lord Crohn told me to stay in his residence, while he presented the corpse to the king. After the grieving period, he would then present me to the king.

I was to stay in Lord Crohn's residence for my own safety. Septimus feared Eris would abduct me again, if I left his sphere of protection.

Garlan and Bacchanal stayed by my side to accompany me. Their companionship made the long days go by faster. I longed to go out and walk the streets, as the first time in the capital, under the guise of the heir, I was not allowed outside. I wished I could sell my wares and buy the unique wares brought to the capital from all corners of the kingdom.

The first day Lord Crohn entered the royal court, the king was said to grieve over the death of the young man, who could have been his heir. However, they said the king did not shed a single tear. Lady Bromwell, on the other hand, reacted as expected. She hugged the body, crying profusely, then fainted.

Since the child's royal status was not confirmed, His Majesty could not have him buried in the royal mausoleum. And the child could not be buried in the Bromwell family crypt, as they were labeled traitors. Thus, after much deliberation, His Majesty chose the monastery, belonging to the goddess Eris, as the child's final resting place.

The spectacle brought many sympathetic looks. The court had been divided before and now it was divided again. Back then, it was the Klein family versus the Bromwell family. Now, it was Lord Crohn standing on one side against Lady Bromwell.

Without an heir, Lady Bromwell would be deemed useless. She had lost her maiden family. What was left was her royal relations in the Nillah Kingdom. The king could not rashly demote her position for fear of causing a war with Nillah. Yet, a civil war was starting in the Dayu kingdom over his indecision.

An indecisive king would not profit the country. Rumors about Lady Bromwell spread the day the corpse was presented.

Since the child was not of confirmed royal status, the kingdom did not go into mourning. However, His Majesty took three days off, to mourn in private. It was unclear the degree of the king's heartbrokenness.

During this time, many people offer condolences to Lady Bromwell. And on the day of the funeral, several noblemen attended the burial. Most notably among them, was Nobleman Luther.

Nobleman Luther had joined Lady Bromwell, which made me wonder if he was also a worshipper of the goddess Eris.

Nobleman Luther may not have any far-reaching influence, but his connections with those who had influence was quite deep. The intriguing relationships of court members could not be looked at with a passing eye. Sometimes, those who appeared unfriendly on the surface were secretly working together.

Lord Crohn also spent the days gathering his own force. Of course, they loyalists were ready to make Princess Raine the heir, but not the monarch. They would support her and her husband's reign. This meant they expected Princess Raine to marry a duke or a prince. There were not many people in the Dayu Kingdom who would be a perfect match for Princess Raine, but if they had to, they would recruit a foreign prince.

The only prince available would be from the Nillah Kingdom and a relation of Lady Bromwell. The idea of this faint relationship between the Nillah prince and Lady Bromwell made them unwilling for Princess Raine to marry anyone related to her mother's murderer.

As for me, I stood by the side and listened intently to all the political intrigues being unfolded. Garlan and Bacchanal privately asked me what I thought about Princess Raine's matter. And I told them no one could force the princess to marry against her will. I support Her Highness and willingly lay down my life for her. With this, both Garlan and Bacchanal said they would stand by my side, sharing wealth and woe. Their promise inspired confidence within me.

Several days passed by and finally, Lord Crohn told me it was time to present me to His Majesty.

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