Part 10- Advanced

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In the heart of the Mega Multiverse, within a chamber where the walls pulsed with the energy of countless stars, 'Zero 0' convened a meeting of the most advanced species. They were the pioneers of the cosmos, the architects of their destinies, gathered to share their most profound discoveries.

"As you are aware," Zero 0 began, his voice echoing with the authority of one who had witnessed the birth of time itself, "Your existence is woven into the fabric of space and time, a tapestry that is both delicate and resilient. Yet, there are those among us who have dared to challenge the very laws that govern our reality."

He motioned to a group of beings whose bodies shimmered with a metallic sheen, their eyes aglow with the light of innovation. "The Chrononauts have achieved what was once thought impossible. They have created machines that bend the fabric of space and time to their will, allowing them to traverse the rivers of the past and the winds of the future."

A holographic display materialized above the assembly, showing a sleek vessel piercing through a whirlpool of light, emerging in times long gone and epochs yet to come.

"Some have crafted devices that can only journey backward, delving into the annals of history to learn and observe. Others have constructed engines capable of leaping forward, glimpsing the potential futures that await us all."

The Chrononauts nodded, their pride evident in the way they regarded their creations, the time machines that defied the universe's oldest rules.

"But there are those," Zero 0 continued, turning his attention to another faction, "who have transcended even the need for such devices. The **Transcendents** have evolved beyond the constraints of physical travel."

The display shifted, now showing beings of pure energy, their forms intangible and ever-changing. They moved between the universes without the aid of black holes, their very essence able to slip through the cracks of reality.

"The Transcendents have become so advanced that the concept of a black hole as a gateway is obsolete to them. They are the living embodiment of progress, a testament to the boundless potential that lies within us all."

A murmur of awe spread through the chamber, a collective recognition of the incredible advancements made by these species.

He mentioned how some of the species that achieved the same outcomes have been using the powers for their benefit. Overusing the power that defies the laws of time and space has started to create cracks in the branches.

He mentioned that if not kept under control it could break the branch and the universe might fall apart. If the branch falls on another branch the universes might collide together and get mixed. This will either fuse them or destroy them completely.

Green and Blue who had been taught to use space and time as per their affinity had to work together to keep the balance of the space-time fabric.

Zero 0 mentioned that his disciples he handpicked from the World Tree with the best potential had backstabbed him and taken over the throne of creation and have been manipulating everything and everyone.  The cracks have started to grow larger and some branches have already fallen.

The World tree figure changed to a new world tree figure which had some branches on the verge of falling some being destroyed and some which had got mixed. The roots had started to grow upwards and at some point, the bark of the world tree started to rot.

As he had gained his powers back he now rest assured them personally led Roro, Jay,  and Prof.R with the help of Enma, Tama, Nizzy, and Musashi to stop the further destruction of the world tree and stop the madness of Green and Blue.

To end the meeting. "Yet, let us not forget," Zero 0 cautioned, his tone growing solemn, "that with great power comes great responsibility. To bend the laws of space and time is to hold the fate of the Mega Multiverse in our hands. We must tread carefully, for our actions ripple across the ages, affecting worlds and lives beyond our own."

The assembly fell silent, contemplating the weight of their achievements and the care with which they must wield their newfound abilities.

"As we continue to explore the mysteries of the cosmos," Zero 0 concluded, "let us do so with wisdom and humility. For we are not just travelers of the Mega Multiverse; we are its guardians, its stewards, and its children."

With that, the meeting came to an end, and the species dispersed, each returning to their respective universes, their minds alight with the possibilities—and the responsibilities—of their incredible journeys through space and time.

And Zero 0, the creator of the Mega Multiverse, watched over them all, his heart filled with hope for the future they would weave together. For in this vast, interconnected expanse, every action, every discovery, and every leap through time was a step toward a destiny greater than any one species could imagine. A destiny that was shared by all who called the Mega Multiverse home.

---Roro >.<

[Aman Patil]

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