Part 1- Revival of God

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Enma and Tama, the daughters of the Supreme Almighty were born with the two greatest powers in the history of all multiverses of Multiverses. Enma was born to control Chaos, Sin, Death, and Dark attributes she was also known as The Goddess of The Dark. Her preferred weapon Blood Lusty Axe, she could naturally change it as per her necessity in the situation which was one of the greatest of all four supreme power weapons. She possessed Roro when he wore the ring which revived Enma from her eternal sleep. Tama was born to control Faith, Trust, Peace, Protection, and Light attributes also known as The Goddess of Light. Her preferred weapon Protective Polearm could also change as per her requirements on the situation and is also one of the greatest of all four supreme power weapons. She possessed Jay while fighting against Bubak.

Roro and Jay are childhood friends and partners in a fun and have been always hungry for adventure and mystery solving, this leads them to encounter the Ring and Bracelet that had sealed Enma and Tama in their eternal sleep. After years when they reached a certain age, they activated Enma first due to Roro having a nightmare about a titan called Kraken. Tama activated Roro and Jay with the help of Prof. Rsoiron was fighting against Bubak. Later they started to resist the flow of this world and universe that started to change the Multiverse and Multiverses of the Multiverse. Roro and Jay are like the North Pole and the South Pole is merely like Enma and Tama. Roro and Enma can become Villian if needed while Jay and Tama will always be Heroes for others.

The true Supreme Almighty was held captive for years until his daughters woke up from their eternal sleep. That restored some amount of his power and broke free from the prison. And then he starts his journey to find his daughters. On his journey, he encounters challenges as he tries to hide and escape from the sight of Green and Blue. Green and Blue had taken over the multiverses and multiverses of Multiverses with the power of the Supreme Almighty. And now they face the resistance that is led by Roro, Jay, Enma, Tama, Prof. Rsoiron, and Supreme Almighty. After finding out about the resistance Green and Blue started sending their warriors, be they Gods or monsters to hunt down them all.

Roro, Jay, and Prof.R face and battle against monsters from their world and outer world, legends, dragons, and spirits, in different times (past) and different universes. Enma has the power to open Gates and Tama has the power to protect them. One time when Enma and Tama were far away from Roro and Jay they were captured in a void by the Miu Son of Hell. While in the Void Roro and Jay could luckily use the powers of Enma and Tama, They fought against Miu, Miu's death summons that had all of the strong warriors and dragons that had died long ago. Here Time and Space Equilibrium didn't impact the Void or anyone, or anything inside wasn't affected as well. Due to this buff, Roro and Jay received a lot of experience and gained enormous strength, power, attributes, and orbs that unlocked many new skills. Reaching the footsteps of Miu after billions of millennia were defeated in A shot attack by Miu. And were left there to die.

Miu underestimated them and left there to let Roro and Jay die a gradual, painful, and unbearable death. Luckily Enma and Tama located them and came to their rescue with the Supreme Almighty. That was the End of Vol.1

"Tama is preparing ayurvedic medicine while Enma is sewing the body parts of me and Jay. For some time I had gained consciousness and I remembered that we were cut into pieces when I last opened my eyes. Currently, I could feel a strong presence in the cabin where we were taking shelter. Enma started to chant something that triggered our body parts and started to regenerate and attach themselves while Tama used her light blast with the mixture of the ayurvedic solution that she poured on us. I could feel my body fill with energy and somehow the Light energy didn't harm me but healed me. And I again lost consciousness.

After twelve-human-days. Jay and I woke up and we were back in Prof. R's castle. Enma and Tama were sitting in front of us as we both woke up and were healed with fit and fine bodies. Tama told us that they had sealed our powers which we gained during the Void incident, as they were too much for both Tama and Enma to handle. Further, she explained that this was due to us reaching the power limit above theirs which they haven't unlocked yet. It was better to seal them and learn to use them in do-or-die situations until all four of us reached the same level. As she finished explaining the omnipotent light or the supreme almighty revealed himself and said, "My precious daughters as you have chosen these fellow humans as your partners and as your husbands, this has led to the beginning of the revival stage of me. Now, you just have to mate with these humans and the first revival generation will be born. One of them will be a boy and another one will be a girl, their offspring will be the vessel of my body. As I grant you best wishes and take my leave with your children." As he said this suddenly our souls were thrown out of our bodies and were forced to be pushed through Enma and Tama, the moment we passed through them energy was formed on both of them, and a gate was opened through which the energies followed the Supreme Almighty and vanished.

Jay and I were confused as we couldn't understand what just happened and we were pushed back into our bodies. Jay asked what just happened to which Enma explained the secret of revival. She told us that the Supreme Almighty can only be born from the vessel that is born from the children of his daughters and their partners. This secret was only known to them and the offspring of their family. She also added that after the revival of God, he will be stronger than his old self, and when and as he reaches his youth stage his daughters will be erased from existence and will be born again when God reaches his adult stage and achieves the supreme almighty stage. This process will keep on going endlessly to infinity and beyond.

We were amazed to know about this secret as it was way greater and should be kept hidden and their offspring and Supreme Almighty must be protected as they are in their weakest stage. While Green and Blue are in their peak stage. For now Almighty and their offspring energies had gone into a hidden void away from the sight of Green and Blue. Tama and Enma suggested staying low as there won't be any problem for the next few months as Green and Blue will be focusing on the army that was defeated by Enma and Tama on their way back. Miu's wife Ebow who was second to only Miu in all attributes was killed brutally.

Golden City Green and Blue were trying to solve this mystery while Miu was enraged and had his group of gods searching for clues.

Jay and I went back to our house and were living a normal life for some time. Until one day suddenly someone appeared in the sky. Everyone panicked and was afraid as they saw someone in the sky and they could see the bloodlust surrounding him. He raised his hands and a void covered the Earth. Due to our powers, we were able to see the face and he was none other than Miu himself.

[Forgot to mention that Roro and Jay don't have any idea about the massacre of Miu's wife and the army of Green and Blue]

{[Thank you readers for your patience and the wait is over. I had planned to launch Vol.2 on my birthday 19th of March but due to my busy schedule and writer's block, I couldn't come up with the idea and was on a halt. But here we are back with the Vol.2 of Roro and the Gates. This volume will reveal many secrets and will have some battles directly with Green and Blue's top executive gods and monsters.]}.

---Roro >.<
[Aman Patil]

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