Part 3- One Percent

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"The Earth from the Milky Way galaxy had vanished which caused the drop in the soul rate collection for Golden City of Green and Blue. Gods and warriors started to feel the one percent drop in the Gold City's soul atmosphere.

It was due to most of the soul energy being acquired from all the Earth's different universes of multiverses and multiverses of multiverses. But it was different for the Earth and other Milky Way galaxies, as the supreme almighty himself made the humans of this planet. They had the same attributes as the Gods. One head, shoulder, two arms, two legs, and different reproductive organs for males and females. Also, it was the first planet where his first daughters were born.

The first generation of Enma and Tama became benefactors for the environment. That increased the birth rate as well as the death rate. There was one religion at the start and soon new religions were formed but all the soul energy that humans used to produce while praying was combined and directed towards the Gold City. The Earth itself became one percent out of other Earths with different names across the supreme multiverse.

A drop in the soul energy disturbed the atmosphere and balance of the surrounding and Gold City's atmosphere and this led to the drop in the power of Gods and Warriors as well as in the Red City. Red City is right below the Gold City and is home to all the Monsters, Titans, Mythical Beings of Supernatural Evil beings. Green and Blue who united and took control of both Gold and Red city weren't aware of this situation.

This was due to the death of Miu and his wife. The two strongest death warrior Gods were defeated and killed. But what made them confused was the sudden vanishing of Miu. Specifically, this Miu was the strongest of all the Mius and his Wife Ebow was the strongest of all Ebows. As mentioned earlier Miu's real wife was killed as well of Ebow's real husband was killed by none other than Green and Blue as they wanted to assemble the strongest Death gods.

Back on earth

The human population had dropped after Miu's massacre and destruction. Roro and Jay used their combined powers to unite all continents and asked all human beings to help each other in developing and reconstructing the world. The military was forcing Roro and Jay to reveal their identity as well as the secrets about the source of their power. While on the other hand, people started worshipping Roro and Jay as the "Gods of the New World".

Prof.R had to change the base location as they found the tracking bug on his suit. With the help of Tama, it was easy to minimize the size of the Base. Enma opened a portal that was a unique void in which they situated the base with the necessary items and laboratory equipment. With new powers being unlocked Enma was able to give access to Prof. R with which he can access the lab from anywhere and anytime.

Roro and Jay felt the need to spend some time with their newborn kids. They revealed the truth about the incident and how they got their powers to Jay's wife and Roro's sister. They both understood and supported them by promising to keep the secret hidden. Due to the cut-off of the link between Earth and Gold and Red City, those monsters and demigods who were left on Earth lost contact with their original core located in Gold and Red City. 

The surviving population had started to normalize their everyday life as days passed by. Roro, Jay, and Prof.R decided to reveal their identities but with fake faces and backgrounds. Demigods had already infiltrated the camps and the united cities. Monsters and inhuman beings also started to attack the regions near their territories, some of them were expanding their territories day by day harming camps and united cities nearby. 

Every day was a war for humans with these monsters, but things got complicated when some demigods started to join the war against the humans. But some of the demigods who had known about the wrongdoings of the Green and Blue made contracts with selected humans. The contract lets the humans use the powers of the demigod. These humans were known as awakened by the powers they allied with Orion. This was the case for demigods supporting the monsters, even a few humans had joined this faction claiming it to be the Retribution of Gods for the sins human beings had committed. This faction was known as Deah Servitors.

The war between Orion and Death Servitors occurred when Roro and Jay were spending time with their infants. The infants had already started to get used to their human form. Time flows differently in the hidden void and the rest of the universe. When they came back to the earth they were spawned between the battlefield, which made them dissatisfied." 

{[Thank you readers for your patience. I have been stuck with some real-life stuff so I wasn't able to progress the story further. The story will continue in the next chapter. Stay tuned till then, I hope you all are enjoying Vol.2 and enjoying the storyline. I have made some changes in my writing style as well as going to add many new components.]}.

---Roro >.<

[Aman Patil]

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