Part 4- The Witch and the Knight

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"Orion Alliance fighting for humanity while Death Servitors fighting against trying to destroy all living beings. As Roro and Jay arrived on the battlefield they weren't sure what was happening.

They contacted Prof. R who has been supporting Orion Alliance and Military with the advanced pieces of machinery and weapon series. These weapons were able to penetrate the hard scale that covered the Death Servitors. As well as strong enough to generate brute force on par with Awakeners.

Prof. R told about the demigods and monsters' invasion and the different ideals of both factions and war breaking out. Thus, making both of them think about how to handle this situation. It was either to eliminate the entire Death Servitor Alliance or to convince both alliances to join hands and defend humanity from the upcoming calamity.

Jay and I were worried about what the Supreme Almighty had told us. We took Prof. R with us toward the battlefield after wearing the new masks designed to hide our identity. While on our way we saw the gate generating on the Spring Mountain range right in front of the battlefield.
The war had caused losses for both sides with death serving the same to both right and wrong beings. Bloodshed covered the ground and the air was filled with ominous odor.

We tried to get everyone's attention but failed as everyone was pumped up as well as filled with blood lust against their enemies. We had no choice other than revealing our strength as we purposefully leaked out our inner power ki. This booming burst shook the surrounding area gaining us the attention.

Both Orion and Death Servitors were shaken down to their nerves unable to move. We pointed towards the gate showing them something was coming. It wasn't easy for us to convince both alliances. The Death Servitors Demigods were going against us and the truth we revealed about the gods who had fallen. Orion Demigods did have their doubts but after listening to us they got the solid proof and were cooperative.

The problem was how to convince the Death Servitors who thought us to be the rebels of God's Retribution and had their weapons pointed at us. The tension was high, any mistake in wording could break out the war again. We had to carefully show them the proof we collected and the fights we fought. 

After some time the Servitors agreed to not fight but would observe from the sidelines till the matter of what was coming and what its purpose was.

During Void time

The Supreme Almighty felt the presence of the power of Chaos which left a crack in the void that protected the earth. Luckily only the Chaos magic/power possessor was able to track down the crack. But there have been only a few people that Zero 0 had trusted with that power. Three of those users died during the imprisonment of Zero 0. The only two remaining Chaos possessors left were the Witch/Mage and the Knight that appeared during the fight against Miu.

Zero 0 feared that they would be returning soon for the heads of Jay and I. Zero told us to immediately gather force to fight against an army that would evade soon.


As we had limited resources and limited knowledge of what was coming we had to think of something that could help us fight against the army. Luckily there weren't any camps or united cities nearby.

Jay and Prof. R suggested using the Spring Mountain range to our advantage. As we discussed plan to build a stronghold on the top of the mountain. Setting traps and magic circles and curses is the only way up to our stronghold. We dispatched teams based on the roles given to them. In just a few days we were able to seat traps and build our stronghold.

Some of the Servitors joined and helped us while some kept observing from the sidelines. Jay had suspected some of the Servitors to be untrustworthy and might change their sides with the enemy for their goal. We had to silently finish off the targets that controlled the Servitors alliance.

The gate finally completed its Chaos circle and was opened. We could feel the breeze coming out from the gate as we formed our battle formation. Prof. R and Jay lead Death Servitors and Orion, respectively. While I stayed in the middle with the white flag held high in the sky. The White Flag is a universally recognized protective sign of truce or ceasefire and for negotiation.

The army of Knights marched out of the gate with their war cry creating the noise of the roar. Foot soldiers, Knights, Dragon Knights, and Mages were led by the Chaos Knight and the Witch. The Chaos magic had a rose fire aura surrounding the Witch staff and the Chaos Knight sword.

I marched forward with Jay and Prof. R and the same did the Witch and Chaos Knight. All of us were in the middle of the battlefield as we stood facing each other. The Witch created a barrier around us and materialized the surroundings as she completely changed the area to a round table having Twenty-five seats.

Prof. R's expression changed when he looked around the room we were in. He started to laugh and asked if they both were the people that he thought they were to which they replied positively. He asked them why they came back after a long time and that too as enemies rather than an ally. The Witch made a face of guilt looking down, she said they don't have any other choice than to follow the orders of the beings resting on the pinnacle of Godhood.

Prof. R asked where they went after the war and what happened to her father and the King. She replied that after the war was over and the King took over the throne of Britania uniting the kingdoms, but one day they saw a crack in the space from which two teen boys came. Her father Merlin commanded her to take away King Arthur in the emergency dungeon which was created with the most powerful divine as well as taboo spell magic circles. The mixture of Divinity and Taboo with a secret spell is responsible for the creation of CHAOS magic. This Chaos rivaled the strength of Gods excluding the Supreme Almighty and his disciples that he created.

Merlin stood as the humanities strongest mage against the attack of those two teen boys. My father the great sage Merlin was able to rival the strength of those two combined withstanding every attack as well as smashing, slashing, and bombarding with Chaos magic of elements. Father was able to suppress the teens with his strong Chaos magic which kept on growing stronger with every attack. Everyone thought that they would be saved and started to cheer for him. But little did they know about the cost.

Father was sacrificing himself burning his soul to ignite the flames of Chaos. The castle was shattered and everything that came in contact with the blows between those three powers was erased out of existence. It was a fight against time and endurance. We didn't know who would fall first the teens who were being suppressed and at a disadvantage against Chaos but enduring it with all their strength or my father, Merlin who was burning his soul for Chaos flames.

They fought for hours but things started to go south when Sir Lancelot approached behind my father. We thought he was gonna help, but we were naive as Sir Lancelot pierced his sword through Father's heart and slashed him in half. Father screamed in pain as the Chaos flames started to devour him, I ran towards him trying to save him but wasn't of any help. He looked at me and murmured, "Supreme Almighty, Zero 0. You have to find him for the answers." With his last breath, he passed on the Chaos magic to me.

Sir Lancelot bowed down in front of the teens as other knights thought they would be spared if they followed Sir Lancelot. To everyone's surprise, the teens were barely standing with broken limbs and bones one of them had his arm cut off while the other one's ribs were seen. Lancelot held both of them walking towards the crack, before leaving they looked at us with a grin and one of the teens snapped his fingers producing a sound wave that burst open the heads of all knights. I and King Arthur were saved due to the Chaos barrier.

Now we have come here for answers and to kill Zero 0 while he is still in his weak phase. We want revenge for what he has done to us in the past. You will either hand him over to us or we will force you all.

What the Witch said surprised us as we weren't able to know the entire truth. We heard the battle cry "Hoo-Haah!!!! Hoo-Haah!!!!" As the Knights started to march forward. The barrier was lifted and the Witch transported us to our positions.

What happened in the past?
What was the full truth?
Why did Merlin know about Zero 0?
Who were the teenagers?

{[Thank you readers. The story will continue in the next chapter. Stay tuned till then, I hope you all are enjoying Vol. 2 and enjoying the storyline.]}.

---Roro >.<

[Aman Patil]

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