Part 5-The Dragon and The Tiger

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Note:- Here some characters are taken from real life and famous lore. I don't mean any disrespect to them. I have used them as I have always fantasized about them and have them written from my point of view of my world. If I hurt someone's feelings I apologize for it. Thank you I also hope you all will enjoy it.

After being transported back to our positions, thankfully we were prepared for the war beforehand with traps and attack tactics.

The Chaos army marched towards us approaching the traps. One of our powers lets us identify the strength and one of the enemy's attributes. But something was off here, they all had the same strength that was equal to the strength of a Demigod at their peak. Also, the attributes we saw in those Knights were unique yet surprising.

The Foot Knights or Dismounted Knights all had the same attribute, that is "Night and Moon". All of them were equipped with Great swords covered in Chaos Flames.

Next were, Knights mounted on Horses. Having the same attributes,
"Ancient Dragon Lightning Spears". They were equipped with spears made from dragon scales embedded with the lightning breath of the dragon.

Dragon Knights who were wearing red dragon scale armor and mounted on dragons. They had the attribute of, " Chaos Dragon Breathe".
They were high in the sky with their aerial force.

Mages and Witches have attributes of casting Divine as well as Wicked protection spells.

Chaos Witch, commander of the "Round Table". Leading the war as the strongest Chaos magic user but only second to the Silver Knight.

The Silver Knight came forward and took out his sword or rather we shall call it a Katana and Wakizashi. He sat down in Seiza's position chanting a spell. While he was shouting in unison and collecting the chaotic flames surrounding him, the Silver Knight's Armour changed to Yoroi also known as Samurai armor. Chaos flames filled in the gaps and cavities making him the centre of attention. His alone strength was three-fold that of the entire Chaos army and the warriors led by us.

Jay and Roro's combined strength could hardly rival the strength of the Silver Samurai. But strength alone doesn't make anyone stronger on the battlefield. It was also clear that the Chaos army had the upper hand due to their strength and battle qi. If it wasn't for the different abilities and demigods' powers the humans would have fallen. Roro and Jay tried to see the attributes of Silver Knight which showed, "Son of Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi". The surprising thing was the weapons he wielded showed their names, "Sun and Moon". Chaos flames create a flame aura around the Sun and the Chaos Breeze creates a cold aura around the Moon.

Surprisingly it took a moment for our heroes to recall that there are ranks in weapons as well. The ranking went from normal weapons being Bronze, Silver, and Gold rank based on how they were used and what impact they have left behind gathering the energy. Weapons that massacred species and consumed the blood were categorized as Crimson rank. Weapons blessed with the Divine attributes were Holy Rank. Weapons in which Demons and Devils reside were Vanta rank.

But some weather had a psyche or what we can call a powerful soul of its own that would develop more power and consciousness over the period by being compatible with its holder/master. Enma and Tama were one of the Psyche rank weapons. These psyche weapons could take any living form they desired other than the weapon form. Sun and Moon were Psyche rank as their names flashed when Roro and Jay used their power of revelation.

Zero 0 shared this information with them during the void vacation period. He explained to them that the psyche weapons were handmade by the Emperor Gods themselves. These gods were high beings even in the leagues of Gods. They used to make these psyche weapons before going to their eternal slumber. About 99% of their souls would be mixed with Methvibtinium taking the form of any weapon desired by the Emperor Gods.

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