Part-7 Nix

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"After the mysterious figure disappears dropping the flame feathers the disease around the world is wiped out and all the infected people are cured. It felt like a miracle had happened but Nizzy's shocked expression made Musashi curious.

Musashi tries to confront her but she feels dizzy and faints, Musashi carries her inside the house lying on the bed, and then treats his wounds with some homemade potions as well as stitching the cuts.

After a while when Nizzy wakes up she finds him on the floor which is covered in blood as he couldn't stop the bleeding from the damaged body.
Nizzy even though she knows he killed Arthur chants a recovery spell on him.

Chaos magic levitates his body entering inside him and burning all impurities, recovering the dead cells as well as joining bones and ligaments while recovering punctured muscles. During his recovery, she also feels the memories of Musashi and realizes that Lancelot had tricked him into killing Nizzy and Arthur. She even saw him fighting against Arthur when he told him about how long he had waited for someone strong. She noticed Arthur's will passed into Musashi after death.

The next morning  Musashi wakes up completely healed and runs towards  Nizzy and kneels asking for her forgiveness and if possible to help her with anything she needs assistance with.

Nizzy with a serious expression asks him if he could take the role of Arthur for the new world that she wants to create.

He is hesitant yet decides to ask her about the New World she is mentioning. She starts to tell him about the plans and procedures and how the outcome will be in creating the New World while listening Musashis eyes are filled with inspiration.

He stood up and with a proud smile agreed to take on Arthur's role. Even Excalibur which was broken recognized Musashi to be worthy of the role. Musashi went back to his family and spent some time with them for a year. During this year the country has gone through a lot in the aftermath of Lancelot's disease and new species of monsters appearing.

But with the help of Nizzy and Musashi new generation of warriors was born the elite squad who learned Magic and Swordsmanship as well as held other weapons. The squad went on expenditures and adventures exploring the new monster's nest. Killing the monsters and their offspring at a young age.

After the year a great Army with having special battalion for different tasks was formed. It was time to begin the first step of the new world plan but at the coastal lines, a mysterious figure appeared. The tribe people on the Islands started to bow and pray. A special squad of elite damage dealers was deployed on the coast. Even Musashi and Nizzy joined them.

Even the squad started shaking when they saw the legendary monster being real. It was humongous and could wipe out an entire continent. It looked towards the coast while coming towards them its large scales could be seen out of the water as mountains moving. Its eyes were glowing purple. There was a tense atmosphere as it suddenly stopped and raised its body standing on the sea floor. The scales started to glow and change their shape it looked like a dragon at the start but didn't have any wings. Musashi unsheathed his Katanas looking into the eyes.

The battalion crumbled in fear not able to move due to fear. Nizzy asked why some people were bowing to the monster and our soldiers were trembling in fear. Musashi told her about that monster being one of the legends passed down for a long time. The stories of the protector of the world as well as the Titan who kept all other titans in his control. The Kaijuroma the king of all Kaijus is hidden. Titans and Kaijus are similar yet different but this is the King hidden behind the legends.

Nizzy looked towards it with a surprised expression. Kaijuroma turned back showing its massive scales behind its back where a bright light could be seen. A magic circle appeared under Nizzy and Musashi and teleported them to a Cabin.

Nizzy couldn't believe there existed a teleportation magic as clean as what she just experienced. She seemed to know who it was. To use the clean teleportation skill and the magic was none other than the Chaos magic.

The strange figure from last time appeared again to greet them. Musashi felt strange and questioned where they were. It seemed like the Cabin was over the clouds surrounded by chaotic soldiers of undeads.

Niz bowed down and greeted the strange person which made Musashi curious about whom the person was. He asked Nizzy to introduce the person to which she told him that the person was none other than the founder of Chaos Magic. Chaos existed since the age when Zero 0 was working on generating the Mega Multiverse of his own. The person who taught her father the Chaos Magic is also the person responsible for all the chaos over the Mega Multiverse. Gods, Demons, and Chaos are the three mainstream power holders in this Mega Multiverse.

Musashi greets him and asks his name. The person tells him that his name is Creo. Creo tells them to let down their guard as he is there to explain a few things to them. He tells them about Zero 0 being captured after a legendary battle in the sacred war for the throne of the creation. Zero 0 himself fought with the forces of Gods, Demons, Titans, Kaijus, and other higher species on his with the help of the Dragons and Creo.

He even added that Zero 0 would have won the battle if they hadn't been backstabbed by his precious students whom he was teaching the art of creation, preservation, and destruction. Green and Blue who were bounded by the greed to control everything turned the tides of war as they attacked him when he wasn't on guard.

After defeating him they both took the throne and played with the flow destroying and neglecting all the parameters that can harm living beings.

Creo stood up and walked towards the door and looked back at them. He said with the sacred taboo Chaos magic he saw the potential in two humans who will rise and start the fall of the New Mega Multiverse under the rule of Green and Blue.

His body started to vanish due to the penalty of using Revelation of Sacre Taboo Chaos magic. He looked into the eyes of Nizzy as he told her to become the Chaos of the new world and vanished completely.

Nizzys body was covered with the aura of chaos and the magic level rose with the understanding of Chaos. She now has gotten control over the Chaos undead and Dragons.

They both were transported back to the Kingdom of Narka. They spent centuries inside getting stronger and manifested energy and crafted equipment.

They were working under Green and Blue as undercover. Narka was also one of the places Green and Blue manipulated. During their time there they were introduced as potential warriors and had to do some cruel things to innocent beings. They had to endure for the greater good that was coming.

When they were dispatched to Earth Realm according to the revelation one of the Strongest warriors died from the side of Green and Blue, it was time to meet their fellow humans and test their potential as well as aid them for their good cause.

The Excalibur glows and everyone is back in to present as the entire story ends. Jay and Roro greet them both, as Nizzy snaps her finger and all the army vanishes. Everyone is in a state of shock as they don't know what happened, everyone thinks that Roro and Jay won against the leaders of the chaotic army and yells in joy at their victory.

On that night they were celebrating their win with a lot of food and entertainment while Jay, Roro, Prof. R with Niz,zy, and Musashi are sucked inside a void.

In the Void gate, they met with Zero 0 who hugged Nizzy as he was ashamed to be not there for her or anyone for such a long time. Nizzy was angry yet she knew what had happened and asked him to not be disappointed in himself and to focus on something to take back what is rightfully his for the greater good of all."

---Roro >.<

[Aman Patil]

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