Part :-9 Sun and Moon

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"In the boundless expanse of the Mega Multiverse,' Zero 0', the architect of realities, the first and the infinite. Zero 0 stood before the World Tree, its branches a cosmic lattice of universes, each awaiting the spark of life. He showed them how he created something so useful for the living beings of the Mega Multiverse.

With a thought, Zero 0 summoned the essence of creation, weaving the fabric of space-time into celestial orbs. Suns of diverse sizes, colors, heat, and properties materialized, each tailored to the universe it would nurture. Some burned with a gentle blue glow, harboring worlds of endless oceans, while others blazed red, casting a warm, life-giving radiance over their domain.

"Let there be light," Zero 0 declared, and the suns ignited, a symphony of photons dancing across the void. Each sun was a heart, beating with the rhythm of existence, pumping vitality into the cold veins of its respective universe.

But Zero 0 knew that creation was not merely about isolation. Connectivity was the key to the growth and evolution of the Mega Multiverse. Thus, with a sweep of his hand, he sculpted the black holes, the enigmatic gates that punctuated the fabric of each universe. These were not mere holes but intricate portals, the sole means of entry and exit, allowing passage from one universe to another.

The black holes spun silently, their event horizons shimmering with the potential of untold journeys. They were the crossroads of destiny, where paths converged and diverged in the eternal dance of the cosmos.

And so, the World Tree blossomed with life, its branches heavy with suns, its roots anchored by the gates of passage. Zero 0, the creator, the originator, watched over his work, a guardian of the light and the pathways that connected the vastness of his creation.

Zero 0, known as the harbinger of cosmic knowledge, addressed a gathering of diverse beings from across the World Tree. His voice resonated with the wisdom of eons as he spoke of the black holes, the enigmatic portals that connected the universes.

Furthermore, he even told them about some important information about the black holes.

"In the vastness of our Mega Multiverse," Zero 0 began, "there are species who have mastered the art of traversing the black holes. They journey through these gates with ease, their technology so advanced that they slip through the fabric of space-time as if it were but a curtain in the wind." He even added how it shocked him to know that some species had developed higher intelligence and skills to overcome the laws of the world tree. and the fabric of time and space.

He gestured to a group of luminous entities, their forms shimmering with the light of a thousand stars. "These beings have embraced the black holes as **Heaven's Gate**, a pathway to enlightenment and discovery, a bridge between the known and the unknown."Here the Luminous entities could bend the light to their will traveling at the speed of light even thinking at the same speed. These beings had gained the ability to emit light beams in a certain direction which reflected with anything it touched and created an image. But for the Blackhole their light beams vanished or couldn't pass through so they entitled it as the Heaven's Gate.

Then, his gaze shifted to another group, this one more reserved, their eyes wide with a mix of fear and wonder. "And yet, there are those who stand at the threshold of space, yearning to explore but lacking the means. Their curiosity is boundless, their ambition unfulfilled, for they have not the tools to pierce the veil that separates the universes." Some universes weren't as advanced as some other species or had some powers as Luminous species. These were years behind them and handheld back with limited physical appearance or knowledge. Some universes had species that were just there and some had species that were advancing. The world person who is reading this right now has yet to understand the whole concept of the Blackhole and is on their way to discovering more about it. Two groups are curious and have assumed that it can be a teleportation gate for another universe and the other group thinks that the black hole is infinite and would destroy the means of transport used. There was also a faction that had thought that even if any means of transport was used it would get stuck in the loop of endless travel.

A solemn nod acknowledged a third faction, their countenance marked by reverence and caution. "For some, the black holes are **Hell's Gate**, an omen of change and transformation. They view these portals with respect, understanding that what lies beyond is a journey of the soul, a trial by the cosmos." This third faction had the means and materials with the technology to travel through the gate as well but whenever someone traveled through it couldn't come back as they weren't advanced enough to sustain and absorb the shock inflicted by the jump that cuts through the fabric of time and space. Sometimes the jump was successful and sometimes the shock could destroy the transport. So they started to regard it as the gate which takes the traveler beyond the limits.

Zero 0's words hung in the air, a testament to the diversity of perspectives within the World Tree. "Each species, each individual, sees the black holes through the lens of their own culture, their own experience. It is a reminder that our Mega Multiverse is a tapestry of beliefs, a spectrum of understanding, and it is this variety that enriches our existence."

As the assembly dispersed, whispers of **Heaven's Gate** and **Hell's Gate** echoed through the branches of the World Tree, a chorus of thoughts and theories about the black holes that served as the arteries of the Mega Multiverse.

Zero 0 told them that these were just a few species he told them about and there were close to infinite species and universes."

---Roro >.<

[Aman Patil]

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