Chapter 11: Where Have You Been

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I could never have seen this coming.

I have been waiting to find my mate for eleven years now - not counting the year when I could have been discovered after I turned 17. People don't tend to wait for that long.

I was starting to think I was destined to be alone, to never find my mate. Maybe it was some sort of punishment, though I cannot think of anything I have done to warrant such a terrible fate.

I was content on raising my son and making the best life I could for him. I didn't even have time to teach him about mates, though of course he is aware of the concept. Every pup is, though unfortunately he didn't have mated parents to set an example for him. But his grandparents helped in that department. Both of the sets were very active in his life.

Charlie is such a smart boy and I am not just saying that because he is my son. He really is.

I had to escape my pack in order to protect my son from his deadbeat (second) father that never even looked at him until he became the only option for the pack's succession.

Richard, the Alpha of our pack and my son's other father, wanted to snatch Charlie away from me to raise him as his own with his mate. My son is already 11 years old, though I would never agree with this no matter how old he is, now it's just too late for him to take over as parent anyway.

I would rather die than surrender my son to him, or anybody else for that matter. No, Charlie is my baby. I raised him from birth without any help from Richard whatsoever. I should not be expected to give anything up at this point, let alone my own child.

After he turns 18, Charlie can do whatever he wants with his life - including reunite with his other father if he wants. But we are very far from that day. So for now nobody is taking him away from me.

We have been on the road for a week now. Never sleeping at the same place twice, always on the lookout, constantly moving.

It has been exhausting for my son and I. Charlie had a great life in our pack with stability. We left all our friends and family behind, cut off contact with everyone except for my parents.

Even so, I haven't told them where we are or what direction we are traveling in case they are compromised. Not to say that Richard would be bold enough to move against them, my father is a former Beta and therefore is privileged to belong to the Wolf Council now.

Basically, my father is untouchable. Any threat against him and Richard would be stripped from his rank. He knows that, so it's a non-starter. Plus, mom and dad are beloved by the pack.

It sounds harsh to move away from my home and it is, but Richard is a powerful Alpha. Now that he has the support he needs to recognize my son as his own, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

I know full well the lengths he is prepared to go through to get what he wishes. My harrowing story with him alone is enough to cause me nightmares. And it did for a long time when I was seventeen.

He raped me and ruined my chances of becoming Beta of our pack, using my heat as a smoke screen.

There is no telling how far he is willing to go. But I know he is no stranger to playing dirty to get what he wants. However, this time I am ready for him. Not to confront him, but to escape his paws. Unfortunately, it would be very difficult for me to win against him one on one.

But I am not taking any chances or letting him win this time around. As far as I am concerned, he will never lay eyes on my son. It's exactly what he always wanted, so let's keep it that way. Irony is a bitch.

I drove for hours today. Charlie was complaining of tiredness and hunger. He annoyed me until I stopped at the first town I could exit on the road. I just went for it, I did not pick this city on a map.

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