Chapter 8: 2 Be Loved (Am I Ready?)

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I am ready.

After Thomas - from the pack Human Resources department - notified me that I was being forced to use my vacation days because I nearly had thirty days to use, I was not in a good place.

I dread taking vacations as an unmated adult because I don't have anyone to accompany me anywhere. All my friends and family are happily mated, most of them with families of their own.

That is where a mate would come in handy and precisely why partners coordinate their vacation time, so they can enjoy couple or family trips, depending on the stage of their lives.

On the flip side, I always wanted to visit California, so that is where I will go. I am sure it's going to be great. I already notified the wolf packs of the cities I am going to visit. It's frowned upon to show up unannounced to someone else's pack.

In small towns such as Regency Falls that could get you killed. Werewolves are extremely territorial. That is exactly why we patrol our borders, to avoid intruders in wolf form. We don't concern ourselves with humans, naturally.

But we are also aware of any human form rogue that could invade our territory, our city entrances are monitored for this very reason. This is a werewolf town and though you don't see wolves walking down the main street, we need to be on the lookout for any unwanted visitor, human or werewolf.

That is my job, the protector of the pack, I have to be on top of everything. It's exhausting, but it is also why I don't have to clock in or out. Goddess knows how many times I left my office at 8 or 9 p.m.

It is not everyday I can afford to put things off to another time. More often than not, threats need to be dealt with right away. It is literally why we call them threats. But a real and credible threat is rare to appear. Nobody in their right mind would want to take on us.

Anyway, it is what it is. I have only two weeks to get my ducks in a row before I start my vacation. I am content to have this time away from the pack and enjoy my single life. The advantage of going to a larger city is that the vast human population serves my purpose well.

In Regency Falls, there is almost no dating pool. But in Los Angeles or San Francisco that's another story. I can see myself living in a major city, if I weren't Beta that is. I am not quitting my job, this fact has already been established.

"Good morning, Beta. How are you doing on this fine Monday?" Iris greeted me as I walked inside the training center. The men and women present greet me as I pass them by.

"I am great. I have decided where I want to go on vacation. Are you ready for it, acting Beta?" I replied in a chipper tone.

Whenever Phillip or I are away from the pack, our positions need to be temporarily filled by other people. When the Alpha is away, I act in his place as his second in command. The same is true for the Delta of the pack, who has to act in my stead.

"I am so ready that by the time you return from vacation the Alpha is going to replace you with me." She snickered in a good mood. I glared daggers at her.

"Good one, Judas. And who is going to be acting Under Delta?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance at her humor. By now, you know that I cannot be replaced or fired, only impeached by the Wolf Council. That would take an act of the Goddess with both my dad and grandfather sitting on the board. I am a Cortez after all, a third generation Beta.

If Iris will be acting Beta, Clarkson will be acting Delta, so that leaves a position left to be filled by someone from the warrior ranks.

"Yeah, that is where I am having difficulty." She lowered her head just a little and looked at me feeling less confident than she usually does.

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