Chapter 4: Scream

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People are not happy with me.

I broke a time honored tradition of promoting the Under Delta, the second highest ranking warrior in the force, to a position that would be naturally his once Delta Marcus Andersen retired.

The warriors looked at me so perplexed, so baffled that it took them some time to process the news. My decision sent shockwaves throughout the pack or at least to the people who actually care about those things. Most pack members live their lives blissfully unaware of our work. As it should be.

Even my father is mad at me. He taught me that my job as Beta was to approve the nomination, not selecting the person in charge of one hundred and twenty warriors. However, that is not how I see it. No disrespect to my father, of course.

The pack chart states:

'The Beta of the pack shall select one exemplary warrior among the force who demonstrates the qualities of leadership to serve as Delta, the highest ranking warrior, a person able to lead the entire army, demonstrating the finest qualities that a warrior should have.'

In no way it says that I have to respect tradition and promote the man my father and his friend chose. This is my time now. It is my choice to promote whoever I see fit. I would never demote Marcus who already was Delta when I ascended as Beta, of course not. But I have no obligation to promote his second in command.

Not to say I have anything against Mr. Clarkson, not at all. But it is not about him at the end of the day. It is about who I would like to see as the head of the force. That is Iris Carpenter, not that she is very appreciative of my choice.

The warriors are all against Iris because somehow they are blaming her for Clarkson being passed over for the position. No one can understand why I went with a different name and they are certainly demonstrating their dissatisfaction to me.

The day after I announced Iris' promotion, I was welcomed with cold indifference or glaring by the warriors inside the training center. Usually, I am greeted by everybody with respect and admiration, but not today.

It is worth saying that werewolves are deeply loyal people. Not only to their mates, of course, but to their pack as well. Everybody saw Clarkson as the next Delta of the pack. He was the man they looked up to whenever Marcus wasn't around and they felt like he was cheated out of his deserved promotion.

"Good morning, Delta. Have you been able to get your bearings yet?" I greeted Iris as I approached her in the mix of an angry mob.

"Clarkson should be Delta. I don't know what the hell were you thinking when you announced my name. The men think I bewitched you or something..." She looked really annoyed at me, at odds with her coworkers.

"I'm sorry they feel this way. It was my choice and I stand by it." I declared, putting my foot down.

"You know they are not going to let that slide, right? You are facing an insurgence, a mutiny among the ranks." She cautioned me, wearily.

I imagined there would be some resistance. I am rocking the boat and people tend to frown upon it. Wolf packs are riddled with traditions and ceremonies. It took decades for females to even be accepted as warriors within the ranks. In fact, there are only ten percent of women among the force. Basically, there are a lot of angry men today.

"Do you feel unprepared to take on the role of Delta?" I questioned her with a serious expression on my face.

Iris is taken aback by the question, looking at me perplexed.

"No, I don't. But it's not about me–"

"If you are prepared for it, then I don't need to know anything else." I declared, decisively.

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