Chapter 7: Versace on the Floor

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Last night, I did something I probably should not have done.

It was my birthday, I was a little drunk and I had just celebrated the date with my friends and family. I was riding such a high that I forgot for a while that I was celebrating yet another year unmated.

It was a great day, truly. I received a plethora of love from everyone I know and work with. I have no complaints whatsoever. And I still have my parents' dinner party next Saturday to look forward to.

Since I couldn't drive home, Owen Michaels volunteered to give me a ride in his car. It was a very kind offer on his part, he had already worked a double shift yesterday - in the bar and as a warrior in training - so anyone would understand if he went straight home.

But instead, he drove me to my house. And that should be it, honestly. It was a nice gesture and we should have ended our night outside of my front porch. That would be the best course of action, at least on my part.

But that was not what actually happened.

I am not making excuses for myself, but he is so cute and willing while I am lonely as hell.

I invited him into my house with the best intentions, but let's just say the night was young. I celebrated my birthday privately - or better yet, we celebrated together. I wish I could say I had a bad time with Owen, but something tells me he was no virgin. Not that I expected him to be.

Now my bedroom is all messed up, clothes all over the floor, unwrapped condom packages - thank God we were safe - and a boy eleven years younger than me has just left the bathroom, wrapped in a towel barely covering his extremities.

He greeted me with a bright smile and I cannot help but admire his adorable sunny disposition.

"Good morning, Owen. Aren't you late for work?" I asked him with a surprised frown, still reeling from what happened last night.

"I have the night shift today, Beta. I don't go until 7." He replied in a matter of fact tone.

"Please call me Stephano. This is weird enough for me as it is." I instructed him, blushing uncomfortably.

"Why is this weird for you? Is it because of our age difference? Because that means nothing to me. We are just having fun." He argued, convincingly.

I was taken aback by his carefree disposition. He wasn't freaked out at all. I guess he really wanted this. And I cannot exactly say I was forced into any of it. I did not have to open my house to him and he certainly did not force my hand.

"You're right. We really just had fun. This doesn't have to be weird just because we work together." I agreed with him, breathing out a relieved sigh.

"We don't work together, Stephano. I work in the same building you operate, but our worlds are very far removed. I am a probational warrior, several positions below you. And that's fine, we don't have to talk about work. We don't even have to see each other at the center, if it's weird for you." He countered, putting me at ease.

I am not going to lie, I dreaded having this conversation with him. But Owen is right, we don't have to make it weird. He is surprisingly mature for his age.

"I want you to know that I did not pursue you because you are the Beta of the pack. I do not want or expect any advantage from our time together. Please know that. I wanted to have sex with you because you're hot, not because of your position or money." He assured me in a serious tone.

I stared at the boy, still in a towel, baffled by him. This could go wrong for me in so many ways, but I am glad he is so mature. This is putting me so at ease that I even sit down for a moment on my bed.

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