Chapter 6: One Way or Another

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Today is my birthday.

I am 29 years old and despite the fact that I remain unmated, I am trying my best to keep this day as positive as possible. I want no sad themes, no feelings of inadequacy and especially no mentions of me being mateless.

All I want is to put in my hours at work and have fun at night with my friends. We are going to a bar for a happy hour. It is not much, but it's what we can do on a Wednesday, in the middle of the week.

We all have to work tomorrow, except for Iris - warriors work according to a schedule and they don't have weekends or holidays off. The pack security runs twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

I am actually excited to meet my friends in an non working environment. Yes, I am the only person who is going to show up at the bar without a date, but today is my day. It is my party and I don't want to cry tonight. I want to be celebrated, it is my right.

On a side note, I decided to ghost Owen - the probational warrior who asked me out on Monday - so I did not reply to his text message. Inside the training center, he didn't approach me yesterday so my hope is that he will take the hint.

Though not everyone has taken the hint and Iris asked me if I was going to accept his invitation. I told her to read the pack employee manual. Yes, I was annoyed at her when I said that.

I was greeted inside the training center by all the warriors wishing me the happiest of birthdays. I was hugged, I was kissed on the cheek, I was handed gifts. It was a proper celebration and I had a lot of people celebrating me.

I cannot lie, this feels so nice. It is so great to be welcomed with so many people wishing me well, there is so much love in this room - which is not always the case with people who work for you. But I really felt the love and I enjoyed every second of it.

Iris welcomed me with open arms and hugged me, wishing me a happy birthday. I thanked every single one of the people present for their love and support. It means a lot to me, it truly does. My parents have already started the day by calling me to celebrate my birthday.

In fact, my phone has been blowing up this morning with calls and texts from my friends, acquaintances and relatives. Unfortunately for me, today is training day. I have to train with Iris to keep my skills sharpened. It is just as mandatory to me as it is for Alpha Phillip.

Iris wanted to go easy on me, but I told her to go harder. I trained with two men attacking me. I cannot slack on this or any other day. It is exhausting at times, but I cannot let my guard down. Not ever.

I entered the locker room for a much needed shower only to find Owen inside changing. I paid him no mind and acted like I was alone. This is not the place for this. Fortunately, I was alone inside the showering area. Personally, I detest taking showers with the rest of the warriors. In my mind, I feel inadequate for taking up this space as a queer unmated man.

It's stupid to think that way, I know. But I cannot help but to feel insecure about it. Not to say that I have any hang ups or insecurities about my own body, it is not about that. Not by a long shot. But straight men were not always friendly to me growing up.

Of course, I do put on a strong front. I do not get intimidated if I see any undressed individual in my eyesight. I don't even acknowledge them. I act as one of the boys, which I am. My sexuality should have no bearing on how anyone perceives me in this environment.

Sometimes it is amazing how I am reduced to a teenage boy again, scared to go inside the locker room with other men and the way I would be received there. The vast majority of the men here are straight, so... I am always on the lookout for any misinterpretation of my own behavior.

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