Chapter 6 - Deacon

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"Holy shit, they really did a number on her," Lucas says, walking over the dead bodies to stare down at Lena passed out in my arms.

I hold her to me with one arm and shrug out of my jacket with the other. Lucas helps keep her up while I take off my t-shirt and throw it over her.

"Hang on," Logan says, coming forward. "There's something in her ass."

"What?" I seethe out, looking down at her. Immediately, I want to bring these men back to life just so I can kill them again; sticking out from under my t-shirt is the handle of a gun.

Lucas wraps his hand around it and pulls it out slowly; the entire barrel right up to the trigger guard was inserted up her ass. He opens the clip and it's actually fully loaded. "Your girls into some fucked up shit, Big D."

"Did she look like she was enjoying this to you?" I grit out, pulling Lena into my chest while Logan helps me get back into my jacket.

"She's bleeding pretty bad," Nate grunts, staring at the dots of blood staining my shirt. Her breasts seem to be the worst but there's some pretty nasty looking cuts oozing crimson as well.

"We can get her patched up back at the compound," Dorian says, already heading out into the hallway. "Come on, we have to move."

We follow him out, and I cover my face back up with my mask, hoping to god I haven't been spotted on any cameras.

"We never should have let you come," Dorian mutters.

"I had to," I say defensively.

Dorian side-eyes me, "Yeah, well, lets just hope whatever she knows is worth it, and that this little excursion didn't blow your cover."

I stare down at Lena; her body limp and cut up, her bottom lip swollen and discoloured, her abused nipples have completely soaked my shirt with her blood, and her face is streaked with tear stains.

I find I don't care if my cover is blown. Not when I have her here, safe in my arms. "It was worth it."

Dorian shakes his head but doesn't say anything else, and I hear Lucas snicker behind us.

"Damn, her pussy must be made of diamonds to get you to go through all this trouble and risk blowing your cover." He catches up to me, staring down at Lena with a curious look in his eyes. "She looks like a doll," he muses. "Like one of those pretty porcelain dolls our nana used to have. Look at her Logan, doesn't she remind you of those?"

Logan comes up on my other side, tilting his head as he stares at Lena, "Yeah I can see it."

I tighten my hold around her and huff, "she's not a toy for you idiots to play with, she's my-"

"Your what?" Nate's voice rumbles from behind us.

Lucas grins widely, "Yeah, Big D, what is she to you? Stripper? Prostitute? Giiiiirlfriend?"

If I wasn't carrying Lena, I'd punch him in the face. I open my mouth to retaliate but Dorian shushes us. "We're gonna have to kill the bouncers. No way they'll just let us take her out like this."

"Sure they will," Lucas laughs. "You really think they give a shit?" He pushes open the door and stalks into the next dimly lit hallway. Two bouncers stand in front of the door at the other end, chatting with a woman dressed in lingerie.

We follow after Lucas. Dorian, Logan, and Nate all keep one hand on their guns, but Lucas was right. The bouncers simply nod us through, one of them chuckling down at Lena's limp and beaten body.

We walk up the stairs and back into the antique shop, which actually does sell antiques but also just happens to house a sex dungeon underneath it. The old lady behind the counter narrows her eyes as five masked men pass by with an unconscious Lena, but she doesn't say a word.

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