Chapter 11 - Elena

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Lucas puts me down when we get back in the elevator and shoves me up against the wall, his hands roaming under my dress, squeezing up my hips to my ribcage. His lips attach themselves to my neck and he sucks on the skin there. I throw my head back giving him better access, and lock eyes with Logan as the elevator door closes behind him.

I reach my hand out for him and he takes it, letting me pull him close, and latching on to the other side of my neck. I moan in ecstasy, loving the way their bodies press into me and their hands explore under my dress.

The elevator stops too soon, the door sliding open to reveal a brightly lit hallway. Lucas groans, and they pull themselves off me. I'm left panting and breathless against the wall, their gazes burning my skin.

They each grab one of my hands and lead me out of the elevator. "Don't worry about a thing, little doll. We'll get what we need out of him, and then we'll find your mom." Lucas says in my ear, his tongue darting out to lick my cheek.

I kind of enjoy the way Lucas has attached himself to me. The way he seems completely obsessed with everything about me and would do anything I wanted. Like I'm the only one who can tame the unhinged side of him. But I don't want to tame it. I actually kind of like it. I think he's a little unstable and maybe kind of crazy, but I think he can tell that I am too.

I lean into his tongue and he bites down on my cheek, "I'm going to have to kill Deacon for keeping you to himself all this time," he murmurs into my ear and my stomach flutters.

"You have me now," I breathe out.

He slows his steps, staring down at me with a wicked glint in his eyes, "and if you ever try to leave, pretty little dolly, I will hunt you down and make you beg for mercy."

"I won't leave," I say, and I mean it. "I promise."

I see the relief in Lucas's eyes and I push myself up to claim his lips. He moans into my mouth and Logan comes up behind me, kissing my neck, his arms snaking around my waist.

They're mine now and I'm theirs. All of theirs. I don't know when I realized that, maybe it was when I was taking three of their cocks at the same time. Or when Dorian stared at me like he was dying to touch me. Or maybe it was when Nate finally spoke just to reassure me that Brianna was nothing to them. Whenever it was, it's solidified now. I'm not leaving them. I can't. I think I've grown just as attached as Lucas.

When they finally tear themselves away from me, they lead me down the rest of the hallway, passing a few closed doors before entering into a stairwell.

"Jesus, how big is this place?"

"Six floors and a dungeon," Logan says, as we walk down a long flight of stairs.

"Are we still in the city? Does Frank know where this place is?" I ask, suddenly worried that he might show up and take me back with him.

Lucas shrugs, "probably, but we have so much security, he'd die before he made it to the end of the driveway. Besides, we own the west end now, he can't even come to this part of the city anymore."

We make it to the bottom of the stairwell and Logan pauses before opening the door, "are you sure you want to be here for this, baby?"

I smile up at him, "yes," I say, eager to finally do something, to have even just a little bit of control over my life.

"How well do you know him?" Lucas asks me, as Logan pushes open the door.

I feel my skin crawl, "too well."

Lucas tightens his grip on me, his nails digging into my arm, "he let his guards fuck you?"

"He let everyone fuck me," I say as we walk into a large dimly lit room with doors lining the walls and a metal chair in the middle with a barely conscious James sitting in it. His hands are tied behind his back and his ankles are chained to the legs of the chair.

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