Chapter 51: Haven't seen you in a while!

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Kirishima POV:
I looked around some more when I suddenly spotted two feet peaking out from behind a side table in front of the weird looking sofa. As the person sat up it felt like the earth had stoped moving. In an instand all the emotions I had bottled up over the last couple of months rushed through my body and tears flowed down my face.

He stared at me. Not reacting. Probable not sure what was going on himself. On the other side I just sat there and sobbed not able to believe he was right in front of me. He looked a little bit older not as tidied up as usual but so much healthier then the Katsuki laying in hospital getting thinner and more fragile by the day. Neither of us dared to break the silence. Then all of a sudden he stood up walked over to me and asked one simple question. "Promise it's you?" I nodded and he hugged me. I was too stunned to do anything. All he did was holding on to me. Nothing more nothing less. Once he was done he asked "Where do you think we are?" And I had no answer. I probable had less of a clue than him. "Katsuki?" "Yeah?" "How are you?" And then there was probable 3 seconds of silence in wich he starred at me with a surprised look on his face. And then he smiled. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to believe it was really him because he seemed so different but I really wanted to. I wanted to believe he was health and happy and not comatose and barely holding on. After that we started to chat. I told him about the fuss wich had been going on and all what had happened. In return he told me everything from the day he arrived till this day in detail. He told me stories about a crazy guy calling himself the Spectator, a nice little cabin in the woods, how he nearly died, about Todoroki and that they suspect someone might be playing with his mind, about an interesting book, about their camping trip, a town called Silverbrook village, a bar, a hotel and an old guy with a fable for mermaids, about a dangerous trip up mountains and how all of them especially Midoriya nearly died again. He also told me about Highland Meadows and a train and a cat man and in the end he explained what had happened before he landed here. He was convinced he had seen a mermaid. He also said that he wasn't sure if this was real or if he was dead now. Maybe he had actually drowned and these were his last moments. That theory terrified me and at the same time made me feel flattert that he thought it was likely for him to imagine me as his last moment.

After he was done I needed a minute to process everything he had just said. I tried remembering every detail in hopes I could find a way to help the three of 'em. I asked some more questions, let him repeat the one or the other detail. And then we ran out of things to talk about. I was sure hours had have to had passed and there was finally nothing else left to talk about. We had discussed the situation, possible outcomes, reasons. Now all we had left was to try and get back to where we last had been. And even if I might have not been able to take Katsuki with me a new spunk of hope had inflamed my heard. With all these new informations we finally had at leat a singular clue about what the heck was happening.
But all of this, it was easier said than done. Neither of us had ever seen this room before and on top of that it didn't have a door either. We looked around. Then all of a sudden Katsuki picked one of the unidentifieable squared furniture peaces up and threw it against the window. It reflected back not making a single scratch and landed onto the floor with a loud crash. I jumped so hard a short, high pitched screech escaped my mouth. Katsuki immediately started laughing and making fun of me and I couldn't help but feel joy seeing him like that. While both of us were laughing I suddenly realised a puddle covering the floor. Barely minutes later the water had already reached till up to our ankles. "What's happening?" I started panicking. There was no way for us to escape, no way to get out. It felt like the water rose quicker and quicker. We jumped on furniture wich took seconds before being taken over by the water as well. "I don't think we need to worry" Katsuki then said. "You remember how I drowned before landing here? I think that means I finally ran out of air and we are going back." "You think so?!" "Let's just hope you don't end up coming with me. No matter what, you need to make it back to the outside." "Katsuki?!" "What?" The water reached our hips. "Will I see you again?" "Of course! You think some stupid imagination is able to trap me? I'm only still stuck there to keep the other two alive somehow!" My face was wet even thought the water wasn't higher then our chests. "Will you be alright?" "I will. I promise. Or don't you think I can beat anything coming my way." "Of course you can!" The water covered our shoulders now. "I will miss you even more now!"  I said and before Katsuki could answer our mouths sunk under the water. My body felt heavy. Like I was glued to the floor. I couldn't swim up. Katsuki took my left hand and grabbed onto it tight with both of his. He looked at me determined and I knew what he wanted to say.
We waited for our air to run out. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I was back home.

To be continued ...

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