Chapter 38: Taking a bath!

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Midoriya POV:
"Hey you two, in the bathroom connected to this room is a pretty big bathtub. I bet we'll all fit inside." Shoto then suggested. "I'm sure it will feel nice on our sore muscles." "Yeah, that be nice right now" Kacchan answered. "Fine then. I'll get everything ready you two lay in bed for a little bit longer." Shoto said and got up.

"Everything is ready you two." Shoto said while peaking through the open bathroom door. "Alright then" Kacchan and I got out of bed and he carried me to the bathroom. Shoto was right, there was a huge bathtub in here! It was filled with steaming water wich had some bubbles at the top of it. Kacchan let me down on the toilet lid while Shoto locked the door. "I'll get in first" and without any hesitation Shoto took off his shirt. Out of reflex I looked away while he striped himself of his left over clothes. Then he got in. "C'mon nerd, you want to just sit there and watch us bathe? You pervert." "H-huh? No, I mean..." "Something wrong?" Shoto asked. "No! Nothing." Shoto chuckled. "Well c'mon then. I'm waiting..." I hesitated. Then I took my shirt off. "You want to leave the bandages on or you want me to take em off?" Kacchan asked and knelled down in front of me. "I think it's better we keep them on and change after." "Ok" Once I finished undressing Kacchan slowly let me down into the hot water. It was burning on my open wounds. "You ok?" Shoto asked. I nodded "I'm fine" "Ey nerd, scoot over will ya? I'm going to squeeze in behind you." I moved forward a little bit and Kacchan joined us. He took a deep breath "This feels nice" "I'm glad." Shoto smiled. "You can lean against my chest if you want." Kacchan suggested. And I did. His skin felt nice on mine. I closed my eyes. I could feel every breath he took and hear every beat his heard did. As I opened my eyes again Shoto was looking at me with a pouty face. Then he leaned forward and rested his head on my chest. As I stroked through his hair I could feel how soft it was. Finally Shoto turned around and rested his back against my chest just how I was doing it with Kacchan. "Stop moving around so much you're gonna spill the water." Kacchan grumbled. This felt nice. For a moment I wished it would last forever.

As I sat there between Kacchan and Shoto pretty sure both had dosed off I couldn't help but remember what Kacchan had said earlier: "What about those extras: your friends? What about your Mom, All Might and everyone else? You willing to throw all that away and play hero for this world? And what about us? If we wanted to leave... Would you just let us go? And even if we didn't leave are you willing to be called responsible for us staying here for you? Because that's exactly what we would do! We don't want to loose you!" Once again a lump formed inside my throat. What was it? What did I want to do? Of course I didn't want to exchange my old live for this one. But I couldn't just leave either, ...right? "Then let them go theirselves! We are still Teenagers Deku! We are only 16. Are you seriously going to throw everything away for fiction?! SLOWLY I AM GETTING THE FEELING YOU DON'T EVEN WANT TO GO BACK TO THE REAL WORLD!" I still remembered the tone of their voices "Don't tell me you want to stay here?" I knew back then and now that Kacchan had been right. This was not more than fiction. And still I couldn't help but feel sorry for the people in this world. They way they act, the tone of their voices, their pain. It all just felt too real to do nothing about it. I didn't want to stay. That was for sure. But I didn't want to leave just like that either.
Maybe it would be for the better if after this we would start to continue searching for a way out again. And maybe in the end all these people just represent the pain their creator suffered.

We continued to soak in the water until it was cold. Then we got out

To be continued ...

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