A little side information for better understanding!

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You can skip this if you aren't really interested. It isn't necessarily important it just can help understanding a couple of things better.

Hello everyone. First of all thank you for everyone who has been reading this story.
I am really sorry this story was on ice for I think about 2 Months. It's just I am still in school wich means I don't have too much time and to be completely honest I kind of forgot I am writing this story because of all the stress I am in. But I'll have Sommer holidays soon so I will hopefully have more time.
Now to the part someone could actually care about... A little bit of side informations, because I have the feeling I am or will in the future make everything a bit complicated so I hope this can help a little bit.
I try to keep it short...

First of all I don't know how important this is to mention because this story will be quirk free (at least for the trio) but it takes place even before Bakugo finds out about "One for all". So this is relatively at the beginning but probable after the sports festival in season 2. Why this might be important is because now you know the timeline and how well the three are familiar with each other,

The crazy guy:
You remember that crazy guy which attacked Todoroki? If you wondered where he went after Bakugo drop kicked him: when the spectator was finished explaining the crazy guy had already magically vanished. Because the spectator had new subjects and the crazy guy had failed the test he was useless and the Spectator simply got rid of him and the trio never saw him again. What exactly happened to him no one knows.

18 years ago:
You may be wondering: "Why did the spectator tell the five students the only way to get out is to die?"
Because they can't kill them selves (also intentionally from the Spectator) they had to kill each other. At that time The Spectator was still experimenting with the human mind trying to figure out if there are humans worth letting live. They wanted to know if humans instantly start killing each other as soon as it seems the only way or simply because someone told them to. As they said In chapter seven they are totally against violence. They just want to test if there is a way for humans to figure out a non violent way.

Also this wasn't the last or first time something like this happened. For the last 20 years incidents like this happened over and over again. Because it was all over the world our characters only know of these two.
Until now no one has survived to tell about it. And because all of this was so mysterious and the government didn't want to scare the people nothing ever got published until now.

Side note on the Spectator:
I tried my best to make the spectator interesting and crazy in a good and bad way at the same time. I don't know if I messed that up. This was one of the first times I wrote a villain so I really hope it didn't turn out to bad.
Also please tell me if in any chapter I wrote she/he instead of they/them because I want to keep the Spectator gender neutral.
(Edit: Yeah. So I made him a guy... It's fine)

How am I planing to continue this story?:
I currently have chapter drafts till chapter 15 that need to be perfected and rewritten. I am planning on building a huge world in wich the trio does little test and stuff like that. I would love to have a little bit of help though. Maybe ideas of places or what could happen next. Especially after chapter 15 I am not sure how to continue this. So feel free to give me ideas, Thank you!

Thank you so much again for reading this. It means really much to me! <3
And now have fun with the rest...

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