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"What do you mean he broke up with you?"

Yoongi asked with a shocked expression.

An hour after jimin had left, taehyung came knocking on yoongi's door, looking downhearted

" what's wrong? "

Yoongi asked noticing taehyung's gloomy and puffy face

Taehyung slidded inside the house sniffling, that got Yoongi worried..

First jimin, now tae?

Are they like having a crying competition today?

Yoongi thought

He needed not to be told that everything was connected to jungkook.

" hey.. Tae "

Yoongi called put, placing his palm on taehyung's shoulder and turning him around so he could face him

" what's going on? "

He asked

" he broke up with me "

Taehyung sobbed

" wait? Who? Jungkook? "

Tae nodded

" what do you mean he broke up with you? "

" I don't know Yoongi, I just- it's so overwhelming.. I never thought- "

" calm down "

Yoongi cooed pulling him in for a hug

Yoongi broke the hug and helped taehyung to sit

" tell me what happened "

" it's a lot, I don't know where to start from "

Taehyung sobbed

" start from anywhere, I'll put the pieces together "

Yoongi said softly patting taehyung's back

" jungkook has been acting different for a while now, he's less affectionate and hardly touch me and when I bring it up, he just gives excuses.. "

Taehyung paused, staring up at Yoongi to see if he was listening

Yoongi gave a small smile encouraging him to continue

" fast forward to when I went to my grandmother's, he didn't call to check up on me, he gave excuses about working on some shitty project. All for me to come home this morning to find him wrapped up with jimin, sleeping naked "

Taehyung finished, sobbing heavily

Yoongi was stunned, he tried to make out words but none came out

He couldn't believe that jungkook would cheat on Tae, with jimin.. He absolutely never dreamt of that

This was a very shocking revelation to Yoongi

𝗛𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗔𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗝. 𝗝𝗞 +  𝗣. 𝗝𝗠 Where stories live. Discover now