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Nat's words hit me like a bucket of ice cold water to my face, sending chills all over me

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Nat's words hit me like a bucket of ice cold water to my face, sending chills all over me. It seemed like everything around me had come to a stand still as I weighed her words in my head, still unable to register what she just said.

I could sense a hubbub growing around me, the noises of my friends clamouring around Nat in order to know what she meant by what she said. I sensed it all, and yet I could've bring myself to join in. Why? There were many reasons.

One. I was under shock. Zack knew. He knew about my crush on him.

Two. When did he know? Did he know all along, or did Nat just expose my identity like my friends interpreted she would?

Slowly but surely I turned my attention to Nat, who was trying to explain an agitated Claire as to how Zack knew my identity. I watched her for a full minute, trying to study her expression and see if anything gave away.

But I couldn't understand nothing. Nothing at all. If Nat had really exposed me, she did a good job hiding it. But I didn't know for sure. I didn't know whether Bat had really exposed me or Zack had just known all along.

My heart rate which had pocked up speed was slowly coming to normal as the noises around me cleared out, bringing me back to earth. I could finally hear what Nat was saying.

"...And then she said that they knew all along, I don't know how because she wouldn't tell me. She said they knew Ari had feelings for Zack." Nat was saying as rubbed her face in her hands, a dry chuckle leaving her lips as her eyes finally met mine. "Ari, I don't know how they know, but I swear I didn't tell my sister. Nor did Riley. The only explanation is..."

Nat trailed off, unable to bring herself to say what we were all thinking, what I was thinking myself. Because it was rather shameful on my part. However Meave being Meave, blatant like admitted it all. "The only explanation is Ari did a terrible job at hiding her emotions around Zack. I think he already got the vibes from you."

"Ugh." A grown instantly left my lips as I felt my legs give away, leaning against the massive window that overlooked the assembly field below. I face palmed myself, feeling the embarrassment seep in as I felt someone pat me in the back as if to comfort me, although I didn't know who it was.

Lunch break would soon come to an end, and I had no idea what was to happen. A plan that was to end with just making an anonymous confession had suddenly turned into an embarrassing revelation, and now I had no clue as to what to do going forward.

What now? What's next? Zack knows me. Do I just leave things like this?

"I'm sure you don't plan on leaving things hanging like this now do you Ari?" Tessa suddenly said, making me look at her. But I wasn't the only one, for my friends were giving her the look too.

"You mean," Sindy begin with an eyebrow raised. "You want her to move forward with this? Even after finding out the guy knows her identity?"

Tessa stared at Sindy like she has grown two heads. "So what if he knows? What are you scared of exactly? Are you scared that he will reject her?"

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