So Tell Him

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Zack...was leaving. For good. And I would never see him again.

But I just began to love again. Why now?

Why now when I finally found my true love? The one I know I will love for eternity?

Never have I ever felt this way, like I feel for Zack. Something about him makes me feel...whole. and he doesn't even knows it. He probably doesn't even know that I exist and yet...

I love him so much.

Yes. I love him.

The revelation was enough to send me into another fit of tears as I stared at myself in the mirror, hiding in the bathroom, away from the prying ears of my sister's. I watched my reflection as my lips bended to a pout, eyes crinkled and fat hot tears rolled down my cheeks. Unable to bear the sight any longer, a buried my face in my palms, muffled sobs echoing in the bathroom.

I was being loud, and I feared someone might hear me, but I couldn't help it. Zack was leaving and I had no clue as to what I was to do.

What do I do?

"What do I do?" I whispered to my reflection, my voice coming out in a breathy gasp which only I could hear as more tears flowed out.

What indeed?


"Ari." Nat called out the moment she walked into the classroom with her bag over her shoulder, making her way towards me. With a thin lipped smile plastered on her face, she analysed my appearance before getting to the point. "Have you thought about it?"

"About what?"

"About what to do with Zack?"

Zack was constantly on my mind, with every waking second and even in dreams. But with Nat saying his name out loud only brought in a new pang of pain which wasn't there before. Like all this time Zack had been a fictional character in my head and not a real person.

Licking my dry lips and swallowing the bile that was forming, I replied. "What is there to do? It's not like he even knows I like him."

"So tell him."

The words came like a the bang of a gun shot to me, alerting all my senses as I stared at Nat like she has grown two heads. "Wh-what?"

Nat didn't seem the least but fazed as she rounded the corner and sat down on the seat next to me, her bag still slung over her shoulder as she leaned in close. "Tell him, Ari. Tell him you like him."

"Y-you mean...confess my love?" I asked incredulously, eyes wide in shock but Bat was having none of it. She was dead serious. "Yes. Confess you love. Tell him how you feel about him. Make him see you. Make yourself known."

"O-okay, hold on."I stop her with my hands over hers, still reeling in her previous words. "You want me to confess? The girl? What if he rejects me?"

For a long time, Nat said nothing, as if she hadn't thought about it. But now that the question was left open on the table, Nat thought long on hard before she finally jumped to her conclusion. "We don't know that."

Love Alarm [Based On A True Story] Where stories live. Discover now