Goodbyes Are The Hardest

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Days passed, and as they did, my affections for Stefen only grew, so much that I realised I had no control over it

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Days passed, and as they did, my affections for Stefen only grew, so much that I realised I had no control over it.

It was funny, how one minute I was feeling ridiculous at the thought of falling for this guy, and the next minute I was head over heels for him. If Railey or Nat would have told me a month ago I would be falling in love with Stefen Brooke, I would have laughed my ass off. I was.

What's funnier, is the hold love has over us. How we believe we can control any kinds of emotions, and perhaps we can. But let me remind you, dear reader, that when you are attacked by the emotion called love, or more preferably, being held in the clutches of love, control is never an option.

You can't control love, love controls you.

"Dear diary," I wrote, a crazy smile stretched over my face. "For the first time in my life, I'm in love with a guy from my class named Stefen. He is so charming! I feel like I could melt and wither away, and not even care about it!"

I giggled lightly, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks at my own words, but no sooner had that happened, all of it disappeared, the blush, the giggle, the smile, all of it, the moment Alena stepped into the room, or more like burst in.

"What are you doing?" She inquired, staring at my journal while I displayed a neutral face. "Writing my journal. Why?"

Being honest was the best. If I said nothing, she would still inquire, perhaps even forcefully, for doing nothing is not an answer when you are scribbling away in your personal diary.

Alena glanced at it one more time, then nodded once and looked back at me. "Push it away for now and come see. Mom is cutting vegetables."

My eyes grew wide in shock, while the latter grinned widely. "Mom is doing What?"

Without replying, Alena skipped away, and I followed suit. When we arrived in the kitchen, sure enough, mom was cutting potatoes, eyebrows creased in concentration.

In her left stood Ashley, and on the right stood dad, like two sentinel guards, prepared to engage if anything went amiss. But all they did was instruct her here and there, helping her if her hands trembled.

The sight...made me smile.

It felt so good, so very good to see her out and about again, cutting vegetables at that. How once upon a time she could do more than just cut a potato, by cooking three meals for eight people. It reminded me of old times, and I almost teared up, until I realised why Alena had called me.

We were all in the kitchen, the eight of us. And today's dinner would be cooked by all of us.

So with a smile on my face, I hopped in too, grabbing the carrots and peeling them, discreetly watching all the others as they laughed openly.

I hadn't felt this whole in a while.


It had been a few more days before I was finally pulled down to earth. I had been fangirling over a boy so blindly that little did I know that my little friend had something big to tell me.

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