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Miss Smith may have saved Rose and Will from serious punishment, but she hadn't saved them from the punishment of daily hospital life.

Classes, scrubbing corridors, wiping blackboards, cleaning classrooms. It was terrible.

But, of course, it wasn't long until something happened.

It started with something small. Blanche sneaking back into bed at night, and Rose being awoken by the door opening and her blowing the candle out.

But the next morning, Rose couldn't find her uniform.

"Well, it was here last night, so somebody must've taken it!" She complained as she searched her basket furiously, everyone around her changed and her still in her nightdress.

"You know, you give this hospital more trouble than smallpox!" Macclesfield snapped. "Find that uniform now, or you spend the rest of the day in your undergarments."

Rose sighed. Today was jam day, a day that was renowned in the foundling hospital. Basically, it was where the boys picked fruit out in the garden, and handed it to the girls, who then added sugar and turned it into jam.

So Rose was going to be spending the whole day in the kitchens, and she might need more clothes than her undergarments there.

So she went to the only person she could fathom it could've been.

"You took it!" She accused Blanche.

"What would I want with your raggedy old uniform?" The girl scoffed.

"Well, I saw you sneaking around last night!" Rose snapped.

"I never tell anyone when you go and meet up with your little sweetheart at night," Blanche told her. "Since when were you a snitch?"

Rose clenched her fists. "I'm not snitching! I just wanna find my uniform!"

"One of the juniors is in the infirmary," Winterson came up the aisle to her. "You can borrow hers, for now."

She held up a dress that was about half Rose's height, and couldn't keep the smile off her face. The girl was outraged.

"Well that's not gonna fit me, is it?!"


But when Rose walked into the kitchen that morning, she was wearing that junior's uniform. She perked up a bit when she saw both Will and Gideon in the kitchens, but rolled her eyes when she saw them both scoff slightly at her dress.


"Hurry up!" Cook complained as Rose joined the line of girls in the kitchen, which included Sheila, Elizabeth, Blanche and Harriet

"Right, you know what day today is," Cook said.

"Jam day!" Everyone replied.

"And what's the only thing that matters on jam day?"


Blanche put her hands up. "Uh, Cook, I'm not feeling too well. Am I allowed to go to the infirmary?"

"Unless you're coughing out a lung, I would stop right there," Cook warned her. "There'll be no skiving, no dawdling, no doing anything that does not directly relate to the making of jam. You, lads," she spoke to Will and Gideon. "If we don't get fruit, we don't get jam. If I catch any of you mucking out, it'll be one of your heads stewing in those pots. Now, where's my list?"

𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𑁍 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏 (Hetty Feather)Where stories live. Discover now