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Being awoken by the sound of a bell was something a foundling should be used to by now.

But Rose still cringed every time she heard it.

"Everybody dressed and then straight to breakfast!" Macclesfield shouted sharply. "As soon as that's done, you are to start work in the garden."

"The garden?!" Rose exclaimed, voice garbled from sleep.

The garden was where the boys worked, apart from the occasional weeding or picking herbs. So why were the girls working in it today?

"What about laundry?" A sleepy Monica asked.

"Matron's orders," said Macclesfield.

"When did Matron get back?" Rose got out of bed and mumbled so only Nurse Winterson, who was walking around now, heard.

"Late last night," she disclosed.

"So, she hasn't been kidnapped?" Rose sighed.

"Afraid not," Winterson said very quietly.

Rose sighed. "Where did she go?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," shrugged Winterson.

As Macclesfield told off some girls who hadn't got up yet, Rose faced Harriet. "Matron's up to something, and... we're gonna find out what it is."

"Oh, Rose," Harriet sighed, a small smile on her face as they both set about getting dressed.

Rose knew she was right.

She just knew it.


The walled garden was where the girls were working today.

"Right! There are hedges to be trimmed and seeds to be sown!" Macclesfield said, as she led them in through a gate. "Over there."

As the line filtered in, Rose hissed to Harriet. "Get ready to sneak off."

"Er, I have a very special task for you today, Green," Macclesfield told Rose. "You are to be in charge of weeds."

Great, where's Sheila?

"If I so much as see a dandelion, there will be no lunch," said Macclesfield. "Or dinner. Do I make myself clear?"

Rose did her best to conceal a sigh. "Yes, Nurse Macclesfield."

She did her best to ignore the she-mob's laughs as she set to work.


Weed after weed. Root after root. More work and more work.

And it did not help when Sheila smirked over. "You've missed a bit, Rose."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to weed you," Rose snapped. "I mean, you are small and annoying-"

"Er, that's enough talking over there!" Macclesfield yelled over at them.

So Rose, seething, had to continue to weed out the garden. She had to get out of this. And soon.

"If only I could get a message to the boys about Matron," she sighed, speaking to Harriet quietly. "They would-"


𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𑁍 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏 (Hetty Feather)Where stories live. Discover now