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It was only an annual event, but Rose hated the time, each year, when Matron got round to organising the governors charity lunch.

It was a big event, and a lot of toffs were involved, so obviously, Matron put on a load of airs and graces and for the senior foundlings, that only meant one thing.


Rose hated hymns. They were long, boring, and the lyrics meant absolutely nothing to her.

However, this year was different. A rich man called Mr Melrose had been brought into the hospital to write a brand new hymn, which meant that for the first time, girls and boys rehearsed together.

Well, together in a classroom split by a load of chalkboards.

This morning, whilst singing, Rose noticed Matron looking particularly cross. Probably because Nurse Winterson, who normally taught music, was late.

As Mr Melrose finished on the piano, Rose stole a glance through a gap in the blackboards, over at the boys' side. She caught Will's eye, and the two smiled at each other.

"Beautiful," Mr Melrose said as he finished on the piano. "Thank you. Such impressive work for only a week."

"It was beautiful music, Mr Melrose," smiled Matron, putting on a show for the money the man possessed.

"Oh, just a little ditty, really," Melrose murmured, making Rose roll her eyes.

But then he said, slightly louder. "You know, I think that it would be better to have a foundling playing with me, and to have the first verse be a solo. Really have the foundlings take control of the performance."

Matron nodded. "Ah yes, that can be arranged, when our-"

As if on cue, Nurse Winterson burst through the door. "My apologies, Matron, Mr Melrose."

"Oh, I'm sure a lie-in was well deserved," Mr Melrose shrugged.

Rose couldn't resist the urge to giggle with the others girls. Matron's look silenced them, though.

"Now, Mr Melrose thinks the first verse should be a solo, accompanied by a foundling on the piano," Matron informed Winterson. "So if you could choose your singer and pianist and make sure they're up to it."

"Right," Winterson nodded, as Melrose and Matron swept from the room. "Back to it, then."

As she turned round, Rose demanded. "Why do we ever only sing hymns?"

She heard a snigger from the boys and looked sideways to see Will, trying to stop but failing.

Winterson spared him a 'look' before saying. "Technically, Rose, this isn't a hymn, it's a chorale."

"Same difference," Rose shrugged, before asking. "Is all music this boring?"

"You don't really mean that, do you?" Winterson checked.

Rose shrugged.

"You could audition for either of the solos?" She suggested.

"I'm alright, thanks," Rose sighed.

So began another round of the hymn.

Except this time, it wasn't so boring.

As many amused looks with Will were exchanged during the performance of it.


At the end, the foundlings that wanted to stay for the solos were kept behind. Rose was shocked to see Gideon and Ned staying. Gideon was going to sing whilst Ned played piano.

𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𑁍 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏 (Hetty Feather)Where stories live. Discover now