49. Underarrest

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Karan " what's your connection with Baldev "

Jake " Before you say I don't know, he don't know.. Remember we know entire thing and just spill the facts "

Kuldeep " we work for him "

Om " You work for him ? You own bar and he does something else.. How did you both know each other "

Kuldeep " We both meet through rajveer bhai. He is one of his friend and we came to know him in one party "

Vijender " One day, he called us and said he wanted to meet us and we also agreed. We three met and he told he is doing something and he wanted our support. He wanted our men to gather people to work in the industry and he wanted our influence to do this illegal things and in return he said he will share his profit with us "

Jake " Baldev is not the owner of that industry, who is the real owner "

Kuldeep and vijender looked at each other and Karan tapped the table.

Karan " We know it's rajveer singh.  Hum bewakoof nahi hai and we also know that it was not baldev plan but Rajveer who was the mastermind behind it "

They gulped and Jake pulled his pistol " One more lie, I wont hesitate to finish your lives and trust me, no one would know about your disappearance "

Kuldeep " Don't do anything to us "

Karan " then stop lying.. So it was rajveer behind everything, isn't it? "

They nodded slowly. 

Karan " How did he kill her and why did he kill her at first"

Kuldeep " voh..she.. She got to know about his secret in the tossa industry "

Karan " What's the secret about that industry "

Vijender " they.. They manufacture.. Heavy.. Metal... Which is used in explosives and export them to different parts of world "

Jake " what's the use of these heavy metals and whom u r exporting it to "

Kuldeep " it's used in Explosives and we said and one blast, the place will never bloom after that "

Karan " Like hiroshima nagasakhi? "

They nodded and everyone were shocked to hear that.

Om " Bloody bastards, you are planing to destroy the world "

Karan " how long this was happening?"

Kuldeep " 6 months "

Jake " Did you export this anywhere in this 6 months "

They nodded " To albania and kajiskistan "

Om " The wanted nations of FDI , The terrorist attack can be expected "

Karan grabbed their jaws " do u even know what is all this? You are helping terrorist organization and this is the undeniable crime. "

Kuldeep " we don't know for whom they r exporting it, our work is to do what they say, We support them with manpower and thats all.. We don't know about terrorist attack and all "

Karan left him and slammed the table again " Who killed Aishwarya" he asked stressing each and every word and they knew there is no escape.

Vijender " Rajveer bhai "

Jake " y did you said baldev name before "

Kuldeep " Bcoz we were instructed to tell him name if we get caught "

Om " We don't do interrogation without proof. The date where aishwarya was killed, baldev was in Albania as you said about the export things. He wasn't aware of this before.  And when he came back, he met you both after knowing what happened and you three had a tiff about it "

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