Mutual Regrets¹¹

75 12 58

Song Mingi

Last Night

Mingi had to witness Yunho's heart break infront of his own eyes. The way his ears were ringing after his father had announced the most horrible news he had ever heard in his life.

A tear rolls down his face. He was too gone to care at this point. Feeling his whole world crumble the moment Yunho storms out the place with the most devastated look on his face.

With his head empty, he desperately ran after him. Not when his Father pulled him by his arm before he could take the last step down the stage, "Where do you think you're going?! After him?!" he felt the grip on his arm tightening.

His Father drilled holes on his face as they held intense eye contact. Mingi was brought back to reality. Now death glaring at his own Father who internally started to feel intimidated by his gaze.

"You planned this didn't you?!" Mingi screams in his face, holding him by his collar. "To tear me apart from him? How more evil could you be?!" he forcefully pushes his Father off him.

"Mingi calm down, he just want the best for you." his Mother tried to explain but he had enough of their bullshit.

"You too Mother?! I thought you actually liked Yunho!" he sighs, devastedly.

"I thought you would've moved on by now. You were still together in High School, we didn't think you'd still be dating.."

"I only want the best for the company and you-"

"By sending me abroad before I could even graduate? Arranging me and some poor girl in a marriage that you just made up on the spot? Mr. Sui's reaction says enough that this was not supposed to happen.I know I am your only son but you can't longer shame me for my damn sexuality just because I love him more than I do to you. You know, I wish you aren't my Father. I had enough of you."

Mingi storms out of the place into the cold night, hoping he'd find Yunho. Tears of anger and frustration in his eyes that could no longer be held back as he lets them

"Mingi!" he turns his head to his sister calling him and he immediately stops by the entrance.

"Minji I can't talk right now, I need to follow Yunho-"

"It's not that." she grabs his shoulder.

"Listen we can-"

"Mingi the police is outside.." she whispers to him.

"What are they doing here?"

"Remember Father's case from six years ago? When he-"

"Burned down the house of a friend he was jealous of?" Mingi finishes it.

"Yes and now that friend reported it to the police after enough evidence and they're now after-"

"But what does that have to do with stopping me from going outside and find my boyfriend?" he asks, obviously not getting the point.

"Mingi the victim has alzheimer. Instead of telling the police that Father was the one who did it, he told them that it was the owner of the company." she explains.

"But wasn't he the CEO before me?"

"He doesn't know you are the new CEO, he only said to arrest the current one. Mingi you are the fucking current one, they are after you for the love of god don't go outside."

Mingi groans in annoyance, ofcourse this was happening. "Then what am I supposed to do? I can't leave Yunho out there on his own."

"I'll help you find him, but first we need to get you past the police."


"Are you sure this stop is relevant?" Mingi parks his car outside the Hospital.

Minji made him drive here because she asked him to pick up her cough medications, "Yes, or do you want to start coughing too?"

"Say no more." he unfastened his seatbelt, "And you aren't coming with me inside?"

"No, you'll live."

"And what if I get arrested inside?"

Minji laughs, "You won't, now go so we can leave earlier. Its almost evening."

Mingi grumpily finds his way inside the pharmacy. He wasn't successfull finding Yunho last night and the building of his apartment was always locked and he didn't have the keys to enter nor did he see a neighbor that could give him a free pass.

So he ended up crying for the rest of the night. Non-stop phone call and texts asking where he was and if they could talk. And since the police knew where they lived he wasn't going to risk of staying there and getting arrested.

Luckily Mingi had bought a private property somewhere in the city and that's where he brought him and his sister to sleep for the night. He hasn't received any updates from his parents and might not want to hear it. They put him through enough hell and he won't let them to do the same to Minji.

"Still have the papers?" the pharmacist asks him, bringing him out of his train of thoughts.

"Ah yes.." he searches inside his wallet and hands it to her once he found it.

After a while she gives him the medications and after paying, he wss finally free to go. Or so he thought,

"Excuse me, young man." a Doctor approached him out a sudden and his heart immediately started to race.

Mingi somehow recognized the Doctor. It was the same one that checked up on Gunho when he was sick, "Yes?"

"I recognized your face from a while ago, do you personally know the tall male you were with here last time? I believe his name was Jeong Yunho." the older man questions him.

"Yes I do, he's my boyfriend.." the taller shyly replies.

"I see.. Did he mention to you about his condition? I haven't seen him come in a while after he stopped his treatment and I was just concerned so I'm asking if he's doing alright."

Mingi visibly grew confused, "He has a condition?"

"Yes, didn't he inform you? I am his Doctor since he was 19 years old, Yunho suffers from a bad eating disorder which resulted to his stomach ulcer. I used to give him medications for it but he stopped coming a few years ago for unknown reasons."

The younger's heart slammed against his chest with every beat it took, but not in a good way. He was started to feel anxious, "An eating disorder? Stomach ulcer?"

"Yes, I just want a favor. Please force him to come by my office for a check up, its been years and I'm afraid his condition is worse by now. Yunho needs immediate treatment because those medications help him balance his body and without can cause terrible change in appearance."

"And I'm only finding about this now?" he mumbles to himself, "Does the change in appearance include losing too much weight, paler skin and weaker legs?"

"Yes it can be anything that doesn't seem normal, has he been throwing up lately and getting bruised easily? Those are some serious issues and if so he immediately needs to seek medical help."

"Shit, I'd have to find him first before I bring him to you."

"That would be the best, he should start his treatment right away before his body gives up on him."

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