Exchanged Pain⁹

163 19 85

Song Mingi

"What kind flowers do your parents like?" Mingi asks them. They were already outside the flower shop after they finished eating breakfast and changed to their outside clothes. Right after their short visit to Yunho's parents, they would head straight to the airport to drop Gunho off since their flight would be in a few hours. Their suitcases and other belongings were already in Mingi's car.

"Dad isn't really into flowers but Mom had a whole garden of them." Gunho replies and Mingi does remember back at their old house that Yunho used to take care of the wide garden of flowers with his Mother.

"We should get sunflowers, those are her favorites." Yunho suggests, bending down to try and smell a random flower he found.

"Stop smelling the flowers, you know you're allergic to pollen." Mingi remarks.

"As long as it can't kill me." Yunho playfully rolled his eyes and fixed his posture.

Just then, one elderly woman walked by with a warm smile and greeting them, "Morning doveys, what seems to caught your attention today?"

"Hi, we would like to get one boquet of sunflowers." Yunho smiles and points at the yellow and brown flowers.

"Ofcourse, anything else my dear?" she smiled back, gently taking the mentioned flowers from the display.

"Nope, that would be all."

"Great! Right this way." they followed her inside the flower shop which smelled even more like flowers and it had Yunho pinching his nose shut in order to not inhale the scent of present pollen.

The two younger males had to hold in their laughter. Finding it funny but feeling bad at the same time because Yunho couldn't smell the pollen or else he'd be sneezing for two days straight. Yunho paid for the flowers while the two of them stayed outside, waiting for Yunho to return.

"Hi." Gunho striked up a small chat.

Mingi smiles since he wasn't quite used to being approached, "Hi."

"I just wanted to thank you for being in his life again, he seems so much happier recently. I don't know how you do it but I'm very thankful to see him this joyful again."


"Yes, he hasn't been the same since our parents left but I'm just relieved that you brought the old Yunho back." he adds with a smile.

Although it confuses Mingi, "He hasn't changed, actually.. I thought Yunho was the one who moved away from your old house- or is this something different?"

"Oh he hasn't told you yet?" Gunho looks up at Mingi with his round eyes.

"Tell me what?"

Just then Yunho happened to exit the shop. Holding the beautiful boquet of sunflowers in his arms. Finally letting go of his nose, breathing the fresh air. "We're all set."

Mingi turns back to Gunho who just smiled at him gently, "You'll see." he mumbles.

Everyone walks up to the car, Gunho right at the backseat and Yunho in the driver's seat. Eventhough his head seemed to be fogged up with unanswered questions, it all seemed to fade away when he sees Yunho smiling inside the vechicle. With a small smile on his lips, he finally gets inside right beside the driver's seat, "You going to drive?"

Yunho nods, "Yes, I know a shorter way."

"I'll take them." Gunho takes the flowers from his older brother, placing them on his lap.

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