Mutual Regrets¹⁰

122 18 60

Jeong Yunho

He was all by himself when he came home. His heart aching with so much pain, vision blurry from the tears, his face drenched from how much he had been crying.

Stumbling his way inside the empty apartment, Gunho had probably gone off to stay at Mrs. Kate's place after he mentioned that he would be cominh home late. As always the food inside fridge was still untouched.

Yunho started sobbing loudly. His stomach aching for hours now and he couldn't help but throw up everything he ate. So much that he could barely even walk without stumbling his way. His head so light, thoughts messy, and his eara were ringing.

His weak figure stood up to open a specifix cabinet in the corner. There fell out a bottle of medications and with trembling hands he took three of them and swallowed without any water.

The bitter taste of it lingered on his tongue and throat, so distateful that he wanted to throw them up right now.

And the next thing he knew he was topless in the bathroom, the faucet running at a fast pace. His surroundings seemed to stop, no thoughts behind those dead brown eyes of his. His arms bruised and bleeding from everywhere, face drenched in water and tears as he stared at the previous bruises all over his naked upper body that he most likely did to himself.

"Mom?" Yunho cries, staring at his late Mother's reflection in the mirror.

She looked at him with a sad face, a hand on his shoulder but Yunho couldn't feel anything. "Don't do this to yourself.."

He just had to turn around. And there she was gone. Completely vanished. But why did it feel so real? She looked so real. As if she was actually beside him. Yunho misses her. So badly. He wanted to see her again.

His head turned slowly back to his reflection before down on his fingers, "Forgive me, Mom.." he sobbed.

Before he could make himself throw up with his fingers, his phone on the sink started to vibrate. Mingi was calling him. He tightly went to grip his phone. Feeling all sorts of emotions. Frustration, relief, terrified, angry.

He lets out a scream and threw his phone outside the open bathroom door. Where it landed in their bedroom, completely shattered.

Yunho turns off the faucet and changes his clothes to a black hoodie and a warm shirt underneath. Taking his wallet and car keys before leaving the house in complete chaos. He needed something that could get Mingi off his mind, something that can numb his pain.

Where did he end up? He had no idea.

The only thing he remembered was pulling up to this abandoned gas station somewhere around the block where the streets are more likely empty. In his backseat, many bottles of alcoholic drinks he just bought from the liqour store.

And he woke up in his car the next day, it was almost lunch and he still haven't drove off of this abandoned property.

He had no idea what was suddenly wrong with him and how out of nowhere wanted nothing to do with Mingi. If he wanted to forget about last night and Mingi, he had to start somewhere.

And that somewhere brought him to company. He didn't care if he looked out of place and wasted, he just needed to make a move.

He walks up to the front desk at the entrance, "Is Mr. Song here?"

"Secretary Jeong? Aren't you on your day off today?" she asks, searching through the attendance.

"I am, just forgot something in my office.."

She nodded at his words, "No. Boss is not here, he called earlier saying there was an emergency he had to take care of."

"Okay.." he sighs as he makes his way to his office.

He never thought the place would still be untouched despite that had unintentionally left it unlocked the last time he was here. Everything still looked the same. All of his belongings were still in place. Now they needed to be moved.

With a large box that was in the corner of the room. He takes all of his belongings and places them inside the box. As in everything around here, all of the decorations, paintings, sticky notes and books.

When he was done, the whole office felt completely empty and dull. It had lost all of its color and emotions just how Yunho was at the moment. He carries the box outside and leaves the keys to the room by the keyhole

There was still one place where he would like to visit, for the first and last time before he leaves.

You guessed it right, it was the private room where no one other than family members of the company can enter. Yunho surely wasn't part of it anymore but still decides to step inside.

He was greeted with the smell of dust and old books. The room was dark and when he turns the lights on, he finally sees all of the portraits of all the previous owners with their family.

Goldens frames and pictures the same height as him. Cobwebs around every corner of the room. He could tell this place was rarely visited or cleaned.

The taller decides to stay for a bit to stare at Mingi's family. From his great grandparents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, his father, and.. him.

He froze in his spot when he sees at the portrait of Mingi and him hung up beside all of the other family members. Why was he even surprised when he knew?

Well because it just felt different.

"Who are you and how did you get inside?!" he hears Seonghwa's voice yell at him from behind. Yunho was too tired to even act surprised that he only turned his way in a slow pace.

Seonghwa's heart dropped seeing his state and his gaze immediately softened, "Oh my god Yunho what happened to you? You look horrible, you're definitely not alright.."

Yunho just weakly hugged him, "Thank you Seonghwa.. For everything, I will miss you guys so much.."

"Yunho what's going on?" the other worriedly asks.

"Nothing, everythings fine.. Just.. tired, thats all.." he pulls himself away, flashing him a weak smile.

"Something is definitely wrong, you know you can talk to me."

"No its fine, I can handle it." he assures him, his feet bringing him to walk away from the older.

"Is this about Mingi?"

Yunho stopped in his tracks, "I don't know, what do you think?"

"Yunho what ever it is, we can fix it. I can help you." Seonghwa tries to hold his wrist but the other didn't let him.

"I'll be fine Seonghwa.."

"No I'm going to call Mingi-"

"Please don't.. I'm resigning."

Seonghwa frowns, "You're resigning?! Why? This has to be about him isn't it?"

"Please me alone?"

"Tell me what's going on first, Yunho.." he pleaded, "You're scaring me."

"I'll be back.." Yunho smiles,

"I'm just going to visit my parents tonight."

page 82

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