Thunder Nights³

257 21 9

Jeong Yunho

The male was yet running late again the next morning. Although his shift starts at 10, he still managed to get himself stuck in traffic after dropping Gunho off at his school an hour before.

Heavy traffic on a friday, what could possibly happen next?

His feet shaking in anxiousness, he could already smell the scolding he was about receive from his manager infront all of the customers again.

Entering the shop as his workers had their eyes on him. His manager coming out the second he was about to secretly sneak inside the kitchen.

"Mr. Jeong." the manager called out.

Yunho closed his eyes shut tightly. Fixing his posture as he turned to face his boss who was furiously standing there. Yunho preparing himself for whatever harsh words he was yet to receive again.

"I'm getting tired scolding you for the same shit so I'm going to be straight forward with this." the taller watched as the other took a deep breath.

Wooyoung's nosy ass coming forward to hide beside Yunho's large figure. "Whatever he says, don't take him seriously." he assures the older with a light stroke on his back.

"You're fired. Pack your things and leave."

Yunho could feel his heart drop to the floor. He had his job interview in a few hours and now he's being fired by the only job he did enjoy and had.

How was he supposed to find a new job when the company won't call him back and hire him?

"You can't do that- I don't have another job." Yunho pleaded.

"No. I can't stand your poor excuses anymore, find a better job where they can tolerate your stupid reasons." his manager crossed his arms over his chest, never in his life has he been this seious.

"If you fire Yunho, this whole place is going downhill. He's the only one who takes this seriously, we works overtime just to get atleast a quarter out of you and you're here firing him for being late? Come on, he needs this job." Wooyoung pointed out the things Yunho couldn't even say out loud.

He had to admit, he is the only second person who actually understands his situation. How everything is falling apart in his life.

"Don't make me fire you too."

Wooyoung scoffed, "I don't even care if you do, I can work elsewhere where they can actually help me pay off my depts."

"Wooyoung just stop, it doesn't make the situation better." Yunho stopped the other before he could fire himself aswell.

"Don't make me say things twice."

"You know what?" Wooyoung says, suddenly taking his name tag and green apron off. "I quit. This job and your presence isn't working out for me."

"Wooyoung you can't-"

"Stop it Yunho, I'm leaving for good." Wooyoung threw his stuff at the manager before dragging Yunho out of place, anywhere but there.


They ended up sitting at a park, eating ice cream to calm themselves down. "You didn't have to leave your only job likd that. How are you going to pay off your debts now?"

"Looking for a new job might not be easy but it'll work out somehow. Don't worry about me tol much." Wooyoung licked his ice cream.

Yunho silently stared at the half eaten cone in his hands. "You seem to calm about this."

"Promise, I'm not." Wooyoung chuckled.

Yunho checked the time on his watch which was underneath his white button up sleeve. 20 minutes away before his interview.

"I better get going, I still have something to do." Yunho stood up, Wooyoung copying his moves.

"Does this mean that we're going in our own ways now?" Wooyoung pouted sadly.

A small smile found its way on Yunho's lips, "Ofcourse not. Feel free to call or text me whenever you want."

The other's sad pout turned into a bright smile, "We're not going to break contact, okay?"

"I promise."


"Jeong Yunho.. Interesting.." the male says, tapping his pen repeatedly on the clipboard he was holding.

"Yes, good afternoon." Yunho smiles politely.

"I'm Park Seonghwa, the one interviewing you today. Please take a seat." he gestures to the comfortable red couch infront of him.

Seonghwa was seated in a leg-crossed position while Yunho was awkwardly sitting down, not really knowing how to act comfortable in such a lavish office.

The whole building was massive with great interior designs. Plants and bright lights everywhere, everything was neatly decorated. Vases and paintings more expensive than you would've guessed.

"Its okay, relax yourself. Take a deep breath." Seonghwa softly said. He took notice of Yunho's palms and legs shaking uncomfortably.

"Yes ofcourse, I'm sorry.." he flashed a small smile.

Seonghwa copying his actions. Yunho found him weirdly attractive. Those long slim fingers holding the pen and clipboard, black long hair that reached below his jaw and how pretty his face structure looked like. Tall, handsome, and nice. This man was everything someone could ask for.

"Okay, lets get the interview started."

After a while of asking questions about Yunho's background, it was slowly coming to an end and weren't even realizing how quickly time was passing by.

Seonghwa was writing something down while Yunho could stare at him nervously. Seonghwa decided to tell him now wheter he would be working by the next day or have to find another job.

"For the last question." he started, "If someone caused a scene and blamed it on you when you did nothing wrong, what would you do?"

It sounded a bit different from the rest of the questions he was asked about. "Be honest." Seonghwa adds.

"I blame it on myself."

Seonghwa nodded, scribbling something down. He sticked out his hand before saying.

"Congratualtions, you're hired."

page 15

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