Autumn Rain⁹

279 23 4

Song Minji

Minji just finished her breakfast, waiting for her brother who was still inside the bathroom.

The past few minutes she watched how Yunho ran to the bathroom with his co-worker following him. There was for sure a chance that Mingi has heard their conversation or saw them inside.

Her phone buzzed on the table two times. Receiving two new messages from someone in her school.

9:05 AM

Where are you?

I've been here for the past fifteen minutes now.

Minji chuckled to herself.

Hang in there, just having breakfast at this nearby café.

So considerate of you for not telling me earlier.

Jeez, be there in 15 minutes.

Be safe
               seen 9:06 AM

Minji double tapped his message with a small smile on her face. At the same time she finally saw Mingi exit the bathroom looking pretty much drained.

"You look fantastic." she sarcastically said.

Analyzing his face to see his eyes red slightly red. The jacket of his suit wet with small water drops.

"You ready to go?" he asks, ignoring her comment.

Minji nodded before walking out with Mingi to the car as he drove her to her school just in time.

"Took you long enough." the same person Minji texted her earlier says. He was sitting on the bleachers at the stadium behind the campus.

"Shut up, I brought you something to eat as an apology." she says, handing him the paper bag filled with pastries and a cup. "And some juice for your sweet tooth."

He accepted the small gift with a smile, "Weird of you to remember what I like." he chuckles, taking a look inside the bag.

"Well, they're from the shop your brother works at." she sat beside him.

"Yunho? Is he alright?" he worriedly asks, taking a bite of his white chocolate filled croisssant.

"I can't really tell."

Gunho sighs, "I knew I just have walked here."

"Are you crazy? That's like a 30 minute walk."

"So what?" he took a sip from his drink, "He got in trouble again, didn't he?"

Minji slowly nodded her head, "I would say so."

Gunho sighs once again, "I feel bad for him.." he mumbles.

"Anyways, so whats the plan?" Minji changed the topic.

The reason why the two of them called each other out here and skip the morning classes was to discuss their plan on getting their brothers back together for some reason.

Mingi admits that he still wants Yunho back and for Yunho, he doesn't know. He wants him but also doesn't.

Or maybe he just doesn't want to admit it.

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Minji." Gunho glared.

Minji let out a laugh, "Well it has to work, you know."

"I know but do we really have to force them? I mean Yunho has made it clear to me that he liked your brother but he didn't tell me anything about giving him a second chance."

"And my brother is still inlove with yours and won't stop until he proves himself." Minji says.

Gunho took the very last bite of his bread. "So what are we going to do?"

"Well, in order for them to get back their closeness. We have to be close first." she said.

"What?" Gunho says, he doesn't know if he was high from his bread or if she was talking another language.

"Its hard to explain, you know.."


She annoyingly sighed, "We must have a reason for them to be close again. So we can force them to be together in times."

Gunho laughs to himself. He just found a reason to fail English. "Yeah, call me back when you find a good reason."

"See, I told you its hard to explain."

"Well what are we supposed to do?" Gunho drank the rest of his juice, waiting for her response.

"Well, I've thought of something genius and absurt." Gunho just let out a muffled noise, telling her to continue.

Minji sighs for a second, "If we start fake dating, then there'll be more times that we're together and so will be our brothers."

Gunho choked on his drink.

"W-What?!" he looks at her as if she just said something illegal. He would be lying if he said his heart didn't race.

"Just look at it this way." she started, "If we fake date, ofcourse there'll be times where we go on dates and since my parents are so overprotective they won't let me leave the house without Mingi. And you could ask Yunho to come accompany you somewhere and we could secretly make them see each other and leave them in their own world."

She explained, Gunho would be an idiot if he said her idea didn't make much sense. "It could work, unless Yunho walks out." she added.

"I don't think he would. He loves me too much." Gunho wiggled his eyebrows.

Minji rolled her eyes, "Someone's confident."

"Just letting you know, I'm only agreeing to this because this is about our brothers and not about us." Gunho says.

"We should set our fake dating rules then."

Gunho nodded, "The first ones obvious, only act like a couple around them. Then we act normal in school."

"Second is definitely no kissing on the lips. Cheeks and hands are exempted though."

"Third is no falling inlove with each other." Minji reminded.

This is all an act for them to get their brothers back together.

"And if they get back, we will discontinue this." Gunho adds.

"I think we're all good."

Although this was all an act, Gunho wishes that it could be real. Wishing he could break the third rule.

"We'll keep in touch for updates, okay?" Minji nodded at Gunho before standing up from her seat.

"I'll see you around." she patted Gunho's shoulder lightly before walking down the bleachers.

Gunho silently watches how her figure becomes smaller and smaller until she walks completely out of sight.

He could only crumble the paper bag in his hands. His smile dropping, ofcourse it would all be fake for the sake of his brother's relationship with his ex.

Would he break the third rule

Or every single one?

page 9

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