Exchanged Pain¹⁴

159 17 59

Song Minji

"Everyone, there was some changes in schedule. So what's gonna happen is we will be at the airport in the early morning so we will be home at sunrise. The news said that there might be a possible thunderstorm on its way and we don't want to wait for it to arrive, do we?" Ms. Paquiz announces.

It was late in the afternoon and after a while of touring around the place, the last stop for today is the beach. They would be spending the entire time at the beach swimming and surfing until dusk.

"We will all gather at this exact place around  7:30 and everyone must be freshly showered and changed to different clothes. If anyone needs more towels, feel free to come to me. We still have many left in the bus. That's all students, thank you for giving your full attention, you all may now feel free to enjoy swimming." she ends her statement with a smile while everyone started going their ways.

"Don't you think its funny that they're making us swim in this cold breeze? Its literally autumn." Gunho chuckles, walking towards Minji who was on her phone.

"I mean where's the fun if we're not going to freeze to death?" Minji deadpanned.

Gunho looks around the place, other students were asking professional surfers to teach them, some were playing volleyball, and others were drowning each other. Minji was wearing a black rush guard top and shorts while Gunho dressed up like a Father. Swimming shorts with a tank top.

A sudden gasp.was heard from Minji, "God, why am I even surprised?" she says to herself, taking her phone closser to her face to check if she was seeing things right.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong- I think our plan worked." she clasped a hand over her mouth.

Now Gunho was getting more curious, "Show me!" he squeezes his face to take a look at whatever she was looking.

"Wait, I need to drop a comment first." she quickly typed something. While Minji was scrolling through her instagram, one of Mingi's posts caught her attention. It was uploaded just yesterday,

Gunho grew even more impatient that he took out his phone and searched through his entire social medias until he finds Mingi's new post on instagram, the same one Minji is seeing right now.

Gunho grew even more impatient that he took out his phone and searched through his entire social medias until he finds Mingi's new post on instagram, the same one Minji is seeing right now

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"Is he calling Yunho a bitch?" Minji asks herself after reading the caption. Gunho bursted out in laughter, both at her comments in real life and under the post.

"You can't be serious." he choked on air, tears in his eyes from all the laughing.

"Then what does he mean when dog meets another dog?" she offendedly says, "I swear to god if he's calling him a bitch I will-"

"Calm down, I'm sure he doesn't mean it that way." he puts his phone away.

Minji had to rub her eyes repeatedly, making sure that she wasn't making this up or anything. From the corner of the post, right on the profile she sees that Mingi also posted a story. Her fingertip immediately tapped on the circular profile, leading straight to the story and it had her shook for a split second.

 Her fingertip immediately tapped on the circular profile, leading straight to the story and it had her shook for a split second

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"Why am I even surprised?" she plainly says, staring at the caption of the story and the song being used. It was so obvious and they still deny it to them.

"So this confirms it?" Gunho stares at her phone screen. They both had the same thing on their mind.

If they are actually dating, that means their deal will come to an end. They will no longer have to pretend being in a relationship and only need to find a way to make their break up reason reasonable. Which means they can finally find the partner they always wanted-

"No. It only confirms it if they are the ones who will say it to our face, we can't just make assumptions that they're together." Minji sternly says, shutting off her phone.

Thinking of no longer doing this with Gunho was messing with her head. She doesn't think she can ever go on when this fake relationship already had an effect on her. And she knows she shouldn't be feeling this way.

"Minji, its somehow obvious. Who would call their friend by boyfie? And the music? It makes sense if you think about-"

"Well I don't want to think about it."

"Minji are you alright? Is something wrong?" he tries to approach her but stunned when she took a step back.

"I think I need some time alone." she coldly replied.

"We promised to talk these kind of things out, whats bothering you-"

"Nothings bothering me!" she exclaims.

Gunho's chest tightened, "Then whats wrong?"

Everything was wrong..

page 56

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