Every Moment¹⁰

194 15 51

Jeong Yunho

"God he didn't lie when he said he could do better." Seonghwa was speechless, staring at the obvious dark marks on Yunho's neck as their private jet took off.

"I'm actually surprised they decided to fuck it out." Hongjoong took a loud sip from his coffee, enjoying the new tea a little too much.

Yunho blushes, recalling the incident in his mind. They were all gathered around at the very center of aircraft, clinging to their partners in two different couches. As always, Yunho's legs were ontop of Mingi's lap while his hand held his phone and the other squeezing his thighs from time to time.

"And I'm very much concerned about the hickey on his neck." he said with unease, phone shaking in his hands.

"Is it that bad?" Yunho asks, growing a little nervous as he softly touches the love mark on his pale neck.

"Aye~ don't scare the boy." Hongjoong sung in Seonghwa's direction.

The older sighs, "Just put some ice on it when you get home, it should help." he suggested.

Mingi lowered his phone to check on the consequences of his actions, "Does it hurt?"

Yunho shook his head, "No, it doesn't actually."

"Sorry love, didn't mean to make you feel worried." he gently held Yunho's face with one hand, leaning in to plant a short kiss on his cheek in another way of apologizing.

"Its alright." he reassures him with a warm smile.

"Well, its normal to get carried away sometimes. Right, honey?" Hongjoong cooes in his fiancé's face.

Seonghwa annoyedly puts his hand infront of his face, shoving him out of his personal space when Hongjoong curled his lips into a pout to kiss him. "God you're such a brat."

Yunho giggles, feeling Mingi squeeze his thigh. "You know we can leave if his hickeys are bothering you." Mingi says, sounding like he was willing to leave.

"Its not like that- Its just, out of all the love marks I've seen on patients and received from this tiny ass squirrel has a massive difference. I'm actually surprised you could get it that dark and big, its making my skin crawl thinking about it." Seonghwa rambled while the others giggled.

"I think you should sleep." Hongjoong snorts at him after his words, debating on whether to take Seonghwa's description of him as an insult or compliment. It was never in between.

"Come love, let's give Seonghwa some time to forget that you have a massive hickey on your neck." Mingi pats his legs lightly.

Yunho removes his legs as they stood up. One last glance at the other couple before they made their way to their private room. Mingi lays on his stomach beside Yunho on the comfortable, suffocating his own face in the pillow.

The taller lets out a light chuckle, he changed his position. Scooting closer to Mingi as he rest his head comfortably on his muscular back like a pillow. Now lying completely lopsided on the bed.

"You really like being close to me, huh?" he hears Mingi's muffled words and almost didn't understood what he just said because the other was lazy to even simply raise his head.

"Wouldn't it be weird if I didn't?" Yunho smiles to himself, Mingi laughs which sent his body to shake.

"What should we do now?" Mingi finally turns his face so his cheek was squeezee against the fluffy pillow.

"Absolutely nothing." the older simply replies and it had Mingi confused for a second, "Let's just stay like this for a while, doing absolutely nothing. Just sharing the comfortable silence and closure."

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