Exchanged Pain¹

207 16 89

Jeong Yunho

Tomorrow was friday, the day they will be flying across the country. Gunho and him discussed everything about the fieldtrip and the business meeting they're going to attend last night at dinner.

Mingi had secretly paid for Gunho's payment along with Minjis. Yunho would have a hint of it because the other was so eager for his brother to tag along in the fieldtrip.

For now, they both were getting ready. Gunho was already tying his shoelaces and Yunho was searching for his car keys which he mysteriously left at the top of the refrigerator.

"Can I stay at Roger's place tonight? He said he wanted to spend some time before the fieldtrip happens, he won't be attending it since his family would be visiting their hometown." Gunho asks in a small voice, standing up and swinging his bag over his shoulder.

Yunho ruffled his hair, "Yeah I don't mind, you packed your bags right?"

"Almost done." he smiles and it was contagious enough for Yunho to smile aswell.

"Do you need help?"

Gunho shook his head, "I can just come home early and finish packing, so I can go over at Rogers early."

"Atleast wait for me to get home so we could have one dinner before our flight tomorrow." Yunho says with an amused smile.

"I actually have thought about adding something new to the collection." Yunho hears Mingi talking to a random person holding an expensive camera near the elevator.

His presence seemed to caught Mingi's attention as he sees him turning his face to him, mid-conversation with the stranger. He says something that Yunho couldn't hear before watching him walk towards him with a smile.

"You know what day it is?" were Mingi's first words when he approached him.

Yunho shrugged, "I don't know? Thursday?"

Mingi chuckled, "No silly, its picture day!"

The older looked at him puzzled, what was exciting about a picture day when you have dark circles under your eyes.

"Its tradition in this company, every new owner has to atleast have a portrait of themselves and a family member hung up in the private room." the younger explains.

"Oh, I see. But I don't get why it is so exciting for you? Must be really happy." Yunho walks to the front counter to sign his attendance papers with Mingi following him like a puppy.

"Because you're going to be in it?" Mingi says and Yunho almost messed up his signature.

He immediately drops the pen and drags Mingi in the middle of the room, "What do you mean?"

"What? I decided to chose you to be in the photo, so we could have a picture hung up in the private room!" Mingi smiled widely.

"But I'm not a family member?.." he says in a small voice.

"Not yet." Mingi wiggled his eyebrows and Yunho had to smack his shoulder, "It doesn't matter, whether you like it or not, you're going to be in the frame with me." the younger drags his arm with both hands to the room they would shoot the picture.

It made Yunho's heart race like crazy, "You're going to be the death of me, do you know that?"

After the photoshoot, Yunho returned to his office to change back into his working clothes since they made him change into something formal. A suit to be specific.

When he was rolling up his sleeves, a knock was heard from the closed door before it opened. He expected to see Mingi behind it but it was not. "Hey, Yejin! How are you doing!" he smiles widely and stops what he was doing.

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