Thunder Nights¹¹

186 16 14

Jeong Yunho

After a few hours. Yunho and Seonghwa started to roam every corner of the building. Showing the taller around the place to familiarize each corridor and rooms. It would be an important rule for the other since he would be roaming around almost everywhere because not only would Seonghwa monitor everyone, Yunho would also be with him at all times(if he wasn't in a meeting with Mingi).

"This room contains all of the pictures of previous owners of this company, basically just a personal family room containing lots of portraits." Seonghwa says, showing him a glance of the inside.

He wasn't lying when he said it was full of family portraits. Many large picture frames were hanged up on the walls. Just as he was about to take a closer look, Seonghwa had closed the door slowly. A sign that says, "personal room." was hanging on the door.

"This is sadly only for the CEO to see. Employees aren't allowed to step foot inside, unless you're a family member of the owner." Seonghwa adds.

Yunho just nodded.

What is this "personal" room that no one can enter other than family members doing in the middle of the building with nosy employees like Matt? Yunho thought to himself.

Now Yunho wonders if he can enter it- no why would he think that.

"Let's keep it going shall we?" Seonghwa says, shaking his thoughts off that private room and Mingi.

"Sure.." he says in a small voice.

They started to walk again. It took them half an hour before they could completely roam the whole building. Just in time for lunch break.

Yunho was walking back alone to his office and start rearranging the furniture the room had.

The first thing his eyes caught was the same large brown paperbag with a bottle of water sitting on the wooden desk beside the computer. A small note attatched to it.

Please eat well :)

Was written on it.

Yunho recognized the handwriting, only Mingi had such neat but sharp writing. And with the small emoji at the end was making it obvious, Mingi never forgets to add that smiley face and it makes Yunho insane.

He shook his head, caughting himself smiling like an idiot at the note. Pulling off the sticky note before folding it, dropping it somewhere inside his wallet(nobodys gonna know).

With the closed door and the bright lights. He started hanging up random old paintings he didn't have the heart to hide it in an empty tight storage room back in their apartment.

These paintings of the sea, sunset and a green forest is what he cherished the most from his last birthday present given by his Mother.

Yunho also started to add some of his discontinued books on the recently cleaned bookshelf, along with a small plant and dim lights for the final touch.

After what took like eternity, he finally finished assembling everything and redecorationg the room into a more tidy and spotless office than when he first stepped into this room with cobwebs hanging from every corner of the ceiling.

Yunho smiles to himself in satisfaction of the final outcome. Now everything looked newly bought although this building was already standing before his birth.

He pulls out one last item from his bag.

A family portrait inside the wooden frame, he decides to let it sit beside the computer. Letting out a sigh of relief and took one more look around the renovated office.

"I should've chosen to be an interior designer instead."


Night time already came and Yunho just got off his shift, only that it was raining and thundering really bad outside and Yunho couldn't get his car to start.

He had been sitting in his car for five minutes now and can't even drive out. Exactly right now when a thunderstorm is happening, he had to run out of fuel.

In which he ended up curisng under his breath.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly, he leaned his face forward until his forehead was touching with the steering wheel. Thinking he would be spending the whole night being stuck in his car and Gunho-

Gunho is all alone- damn it..

A sudden knock was heard on the window, and his attention was caught. When he turned his head to look outside, He could clearly see Mingi standing outside of his car, holding a large umbrella. "Are you alright?" he asks.

Does it look like I'm alright?

"Yes, ofcourse!" Yunho forced a smile, hoping he'd leave.

And ofcourse Mingi didn't believe him, "Let me give you a ride."

Yunho shook his head, trying to start the car once again but it was no use. The vehicle did end up having not enough gas to drive.

"Come out of there and let me give you a ride home."

"Its alright, I'll just wait for the rain to stop." Yunho reclined back in his seat, closing his eyes shud.

"I won't go anywhere if you don't let me drive you back home." Mingi says.

Yunho lets out a groan, "Alright fine, but only for tonight." he finally let up, grabbing his stuff from the backseat and taking out the car keys to open the door.

Mingi swept to the side in order to give Yunho some space so the other could step outside. The umbrella big enough to keep the both of them protected from the heavy rain.

Yunho couldn't believe he actually agreed to have Mingi drive him back home. Now he was wondering what could have happened if he said no.

Both of them breathed heavily, realizing they were standing a little too close to each other due to how neither of them wanting to get soaked in the heavy storm.

Mingi was brought back to his senses, "Quick this way.." he caughts the other off guard but nodded.

They started speed walking to Mingis car before driving out quickly. The whole ride back to Yunho's apartment was dead silent. Mingi was driving and Yunho sat in the seat beside him, although he planned on taking the back seats.

It took them another five minutes to finally arrive at the front of the building. Mingi parking right infront of it.

Yunho had grabbed his stuff from the backseat and was about to step out of the vehicle to run in the heavy rain but Mingi knew what he was trying to do. He gave him one of his spare umbrellas, large enough for Yunho to stay dry. "You can give it back to me tomorrow."

Mingi made sure Yunho was holding it tightly, not letting the other leave the car without an umbrella.

The older's words were stuck in his throat, the way he was securely holding his hand had his heart racing. "I'll see you tomorrow.." he almost stuttered.

With that he opened the umbrella before hurrying inside the building without glancing back at Mingi.

While the other could just sigh in disappointment, without even realizing the other had left an item unnoticed in his seat.

Yunho's wallet..

page 23

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