Every Moment⁸

201 14 20

Jeong Yunho

He feels his chest tightening the longer Mingi begs outside the bathroon door. Asking for forgiveness and to open the door so they could talk this misunderstanding properly out.

Yunho had Mingi sitting on the ground and leaning sideways against the door, his hand not giving up on knocking and he maintained his tears from also falling. "Love, please open the door so we can talk.. I promise I will never raise my voice.. You know I didn't meant it, I can only do that to others but never to you. Please forgive me." he slid his hand down from the large piece of wood that was blocking his way.

He stayed there for longer. Eventually he hears Yunho's crying come to an end, he calmed down on his own and now only hearing faint footsteps. Something lit inside him, thinking the other would finally open the door.

Only that he never heard the door open, and being greeted by the sound of curtains swinging open and water running from the shower.

Yunho on the other hand, was still trying to calm down from the situations after crying over something that he knew he should understand. So he decides to take a warm shower to calm him more but when the warm water hits his skin, he felt like crying all over again.

He held his face in his large palms and started to sob, recalling the way they were arguing. Mingi's angered face and how he fought back when he knew he wasn't supposed to and just understand that it was work but why was is so hard to?

After what seemed like seven minutes, the bathroom door was swung open and closed to be locked immediately. Yunho's world stops for a few moments when he sees Mingi getting in the shower with him, wearing absolutely nothing like him.

Yunho just wanted to cry harder. At this point he completely lost it. With Mingi's worried eyes looking at his red ones he couldn't help but search for comfortness in the man infront of him.

His strong arms locked around Mingi's neck, pulling him closer and hiding his face in his neck to cry harder against it. Mingi pulls him closer with one tight grip around his waist and the other around his shoulder, stroking one side to comfort him.

"Mingi.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to- I'm sorry.

It had Mingi's heart breaking more than it already did earlier, thinking the argument was worse but seeing Yunho crying made it more horrible. He can't take Yunho crying, especially if he was the reason behind it. He never wanted it to happen in the first place,

"No, I'm sorry Yunho. I should have focused on you more because I promised you that I would. I never wanted work to come in between but it kind of did." Mingi started, massaging his scalp lightly. "I knew you would do the work he forwarded to me but I didn't want you to finish it, I know there are some personal questions and situations which were one of the reasons why I didb't want you to see what I was working on. Secondly, I mentioned before that I want neither of us working so we could spend more time together and yet I was stupid enough to secretly work behind your back when I promised not to- even got caught two times by and you and I didn't stop there. I was an asshole for that, I admit. And I never meant anything I said during the fight, I just got carried away with my emtions because seeing you finishing my work upsets me enough. Please understand that I will never raise my voice again when it comes to you, that will be the first and last time I do it.. I'm so sorry." he kisses Yunho's temple as if he didn't just ramble everything in one speaking, nor did he stutter.

Yunho closes his eyes, trying to take a deep breath. "I'm also sorry- I should have understood that it was work.. and it was important but I was so overall too excited to spend time with you that I didn't want you focusing on anything else but me- and I know it was really selfish of me.. but I just really wanted your attention.." he had to stop himself talking for a moment, his chest was still tightening and he couldn't breathe quite properly at the moment.

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