Thunder Nights⁹

187 14 2

Song Mingi

Mingi sat on his bed, unsure of what was going to happen between him and Yunho the next few days. Something about it was exciting while the other part of it was afraid that he'll mess up once again and end up acting like complete strangers.

He had to think of something alternative. Something that doesn't show how much he was desperate to have him in his life back. His hands searched for his phone that was lying somewhere on the bed.

Immediately unlocking it and looked for Yunho's number in his contacts. Once again, he received no reply from the other.

tonight 7:37pm

Hey, how are the paperworks doing?

Is everything alright?

If you need help, I'm here

Mingi had sent him a bunch more of texts previously, and Yunho had replied to none of them. Not even seen a single one.

It made Mingi's stomach turn. Why would he give his number when he himself won't even respond to any of his texts? Was he messing with him? Did he give him a false number and false hope?

Mingi lets out a frustrated sigh. He wasn't going to give up so fast. Not until he has that man back in his arms again.

He stood up from his bed, shutting his phone before placing it on the nightstand. Deciding to go for a warm shower in order to clear his mind. Mingi walked to the bathroom before he removed every article of clothing he had on and stepped inside the shower.

Once he finished, he walked out with only a towel around his waist and another in his hands as he dried his hair with it. Rummaging through his closet to pick out his sleeping clothes which was a pair of black shorts and a white tank top.

Although he usually prefers to just sleep in his underwear, the season started changing and so did the temperature. He was feeling cold recently which he ended up sleeping in atleast a few decent clothes.

Which also helped now that when Minji randomly enters his room, he atleast wears clothes rather than only seeing him in some weird tight underwears. You may ask why Minji comes in his room randomly? He doesn't know. Either to piss him off or just stare at his things to see if something in his room had upgraded.

Typical sibling behaviour. Thought Mingi.

His thoughts suddenly pushed to the back of his head when he heard faint footsteps coming towards his room door. Shadow right underneath the small space of the door from the light outside the hallway.

A knock was heard before the person turned the doorknob, peeking their head in. "Its past eleven, why are you still awake? Don't you have school tomorrow?" Mingi says realizing it was Minji.

She let herself in, the taller sitting down on his bed. Watching her close the door and stand in the middle of his room, "Mom and Dad are fighting again and I can hear them from my room.."

Mingi's expression softened, "When aren't they fighting?" he snorted.

Although Minji hated her parents as much as Mingi did, she couldn't help but feel bad for the both of them whenever they argued. "I think I'm the topic.."

"What makes you say that? They only fight about business." he raised his brows. She sighs before taking a seat beside Mingi on the bed.

"Dad seems to have been drinking again.. He started complaining to Mom about my rela- relationship.." she swallowed thickly. "And you know, Mom tried to defend me saying I'm already seventeen and allowed to be in a relationship but Dad wasn't having it."

She exhales soft, stopping the tears from forming in her eyes. Mingi saw the sadness in her eyes and it makes him want to scold his Father for making her feel like she isn't ready for a relationship, as if she was still an infant who needed to be protected from every small thing.

Mother was right. Minji is old enough to take care of herself and make her own decisions. And not have Father doing everything for her and then grow furious and calling her out for being a "pillow princess".

"Don't listen to him. He's just over unaware because he's drunk- god why am I even defending him." he says in disgust. "Anyways, you're old enough and an independent female. Who cares about what that bastard says? Its not like we ever liked him, right?"

Minji nodded with a small smile.

"Do you want a hug?" Mingi asks which sounded more of a teasing tone to Minji since she wasn't used to him actually offering her physical touch, only physical fighting(which is a joke obviously).

"You're such a dick."

Mingi dramatically gasped, "How dare you, I'm just trying to comfort you." he playfully says.

Minji blinked, "Oh you were serious?"

page 21

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